Chapter 24

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"Amazing movie!" Nino stretched once they came out. The rest nodded in agreement.

"And, you don't have to thank us for bringing you here." Nino smiled. Adrien glared at him. He was the one that bought everything, not Nino.

"Thank you?" He asked his friend. Marinette and Alya giggled, knowing what he was gonna say.

Nino smirked. "Your welcome!" He laughed and ran away from a fuming Adrien.

"You little, idiot. I said no more!!" Adrien yelled and ran after him. "I said I don't make promises!!" Nino yelled back.

"Note to self. Keep Nino away from Disney movies." Alya pointed out while chuckling.

"Yeah, if you want him alive." Marinette laughed and pointed at Adrien, who had already caught Nino.


"Night, boo-bear."

"Goodnight, Alya." Marinette waved at her friend as she closed the door.

"And than there were three." Nino said, dramatically.

"Drama queen.." Marinette mumbled. "Wait, boo-bear?" The bluenette laughed. Nino blushed in embarrassment while Adrien looked at him in amusement.

"What?" Nino questioned his blond friend. Adrien shrugged and turned around. Silence filled the car.

Nino coughed awkwardly. "Ahem, awkward!" He coughed some more. Adrien rolled his eyes while Marinette giggled.

"Okay, than. What do you want to talk about?" She asked, trying to start a conversation with the bored boy.

Nino grinned. "Have you ever dated?!" He asked, almost immediately. Marinette's eyes widened.

"I swear, if you're going to cheat on Alya... You're dead." She deadpanned.

"No, no. I'm not. It's just interesting to hear that. A girl like you never dated." He said, secretly nudging Adrien. The blonde felt a slight blush arise on his cheeks but he kept his head turned away.

Marinette shrugged. "No luck, I guess."

"And how many dates have you guys been on?" She rose a brow at both boys.

Nino scratched his nape. "This is my first."

"I'm not surprised." Marinette teased.


"And," Marinette nodded her head towards the blonde. Nino chuckled and shook his head. "Not even one. Like you said, no luck."

Now this caught Marinette by surprise. "Whaa???"

Adrien faced her. "What?"

"N-nothing!" Marinette stuttered. Nino looked at them and smirked. "You know, if you guys have no luck with finding the one. Why not try some luck with each other?"

"What?!" Marinette gasped, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Adrien only have a careless shrug. "That may be an option. After all, you seemed so into me tonight." The blonde wiggled his eyebrows at her.

Marinette covered her cheeks with her hands. "I WAS ONLY TEASING!" She said.

Adrien chuckled. "Relax, lil'lady. I was just kidding. No need to get so tense." Nino looked back and forth at them.

"Lil'lady. What's up with that?" Nino questioned the blushing girl and the smirking boy.

"Stop!!!!" Marinette shouted. Both boys seemed taken back by this.

Bullied By Him [Adrienette Au]Where stories live. Discover now