Chapter 31

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Marinette shot up from her bed. Her face was a blushing mess. 'Did I really kiss Adrien? Or was it just a dream? "

She pondered on and on. Eventually, she walked out of her room and went down to the bakery.


"Yes, dear." Sabine smiled and turned to her daughter. Marinette scratched the back of her neck.

"What's today?" She asked. She felt stupid for asking such an obvious question. Sabine giggled at her.

"It's the 26th today."

Marinette's eyes widened. "What happened last night?" Sabine turned to her with a smile. But, the bluenette could see a glimpse of mischief in her mother's eye.

"Well, last night we went to the Christmas party at the Eiffel tower," Sabine started. Marinette nodded for her to continue.

"Than, you went to look for Adrien to give your gift to him." Sabine's lips started to curve upwards.

"And than.." Marinette urged. Her heart was racing. It wasn't a dream. Oh, shit. She just made things awkward for her and Adrian.

"You disappeared. I was so worried about you. Than some minutes later, Adrien brings you back. You were knocked out. He said you fell asleep." Sabine shrugged.

Marinette nodded, still blushing. "Thanks, mo-"

"But that's not the best part!" Sabine giggled giddily. Marinette cocked her head to the side. "What?"

"He carried all the way back home! And he also tucked you into bed!" Sabine squealed. Marinette thought she would blow up due to her hot, red face.

"Mom. That's nothing special about that."

"Marinette. I want you to listen to me." Sabine turned to her daughter with a serious expression.

Oh, boy. Here comes the long lecture about boys. Well, that's what Marinette thought.

"I want you to marry Adrien." Sabine smiled.

"MOM! WHAT?!" Marinette exclaimed. Sabine laughed at her reaction.

"What? You and him look good together."

"Mom! That's not the point!" The bluenette flailed her hands in every possible direction.

"Oh. And look what Nino and Alya gave me for Christmas." Sabine unzipped her coat and opened it. A white shirt with both Marinette and Adrien printed on. And at the bottom in bold letters were 'ADRIENETTE FTW'.

Marinette facepalmed.

"Heyo!" There he was. The person she wanted to kill. Nino.

She stomped up to him and grabbed him by his coat and dragged him to a table.

"Nino." She managed to say between her clenched teeth.

"Look, I know you want to kill me. But please let me eat. You know I have a list of things I want to do before I die. And eating at this bakery is one of them! So please. Give me everything you got." The raven haired boy said while giving a list of all his orders.

Marinette took the list and tore it apart. "Well, no food I guess." Nino said while watching the tiny torn pieces float to the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" Marinette asked. Nino sat straight.

"What? I thought the purpose of a bakery was to make money by selling to the customers. And i-" Marinette cut him off.

"Not that! That!!" She pointed at her moms shirt that was still visible. Nino looked and turned back to the bluenette.

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