Chapter 29

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Lettuce skip to Christmas Day!

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Marinette giggled while she jump out of bed. She looked out of her window, watching the snow fall.

She put on her coat and went down to the bakery.

"Morning Marinette! Merry Christmas!" Her parents smiled. She gladly returned it and hugged them. "Merry Christmas, mama and papa."

"Well, looks like we have to get busy. We have to make a lot for this evenings celebration." Tom said. Sabine and Marinette nodded and got busy.

"Merry Christmas, Marinette!" She heard two familiar voices.

Marinette turned around and smiled once she saw her friends, dressed in their winter clothing. "Alya, Nino and ....Adrien?"she tilted her head at the sight of the blonde.

"Merry Christmas, Marinette." He gave her a genuine smile. She smiled back awkwardly, while a small blush spread across her cheeks.

"Hehe, Merry Christmas."

"Marinette! Is that your friends?" She heard her father call.

"Uhhh, yes!"

"Oh, Merry Christmas." Sabine said, smiling at the teenagers in front of her.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs Dupain." The three smiled.

"Marinette, why don't you serve then some of our freshly baked goods." Sabine suggested.

Marinette nodded and took a tray, and began to put assorted baked goods.

"Here, let me help you." She looked up and saw Adrien taking the tray from her hands.

"U-uh.. Thanks." She blushed when she felt his hands slightly brush hers.

She watched as he took the tray to their table, than her eyes met Nino's. He twerked his eyebrows.

(😂 I had too!😂😂😂😂)

"U-um.. Would you guys like some milk?" She asked. The three of them nodded in unison.

"Kay, just a sec." She said and ran into the kitchen.

"Uh, mom. Could you give me three glasses of milk?" She ask her mom, who was next to the refrigerator. Sabine nodded and took out the milk and began to fill the three empty glasses while Marinette leaned on the counter.

"Oh, god. I am starting to like him. I never felt like this after Nathanaël." She sighed and took the three glasses of milk, thanking her mom and walking back to her friends. Maybe. She wasn't sure about Adrien.

(Adrien is the outcast!😂😂)

"Here." She mumbled, still deep in thought.


"Hey, Marinette?" Alya snapped her finger in front of the bluenette's face, snapping her out of her train of thoughts.

"OhMarinette!" Marinette said out of shock, causing the three to laugh.

"What are you thinking about?" Adrien asked, recovering from his laughter.

"I was thinking about life." Marinette lied. Adrien chuckled, making Marinette blush.

"So what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, our parents allowed us to stay out till it's time for the celebration." Alya said. Marinette nodded.

She than turned to Nino who was unusually happy.

"Nino, you look happy. Too happy.. Should I be suspicious?" She pondered.

The three of the sweat dropped. "Uhhh...." Was all Nino could manage to say.

"H-he's just so happy about ummm.... This cookie. He loves cookies." Alya tried to cover up.

"Um, yeah!" Nino exclaimed and put every single cookie on the tray in his mouth.

Marinette chuckled. "Okay." She said and walked away.

But she could still hear them whispering.

"You almost blew it!"

"Okay, yeesh. Sorry. Ow! I said sorry."

They were hiding something from her and she wanted to know.


"Marinette! It's time!" Tom called from downstairs. Marinette grapped her pink, winter boots and her hat.

"Coming, papa!" She opened the trapdoor and tried to put on her boots while walking down but she tripped and fell.

She stumbled down the stairs but before she could kiss the floor, a pair of strong arms held her.

"Marinette, are you okay?" She refused to look up at him, trying to hide her deep blush.

"Yeah. Thanks, Adrien." She put on her boots and looked up, by than her face was back to its normal complexion.

"Let's go." She offered. They all nodded and each picked up a box containing the pastries.


Once they all arrived at the big Christmas tree under the Eiffel tower, they unpacked and set up everything for their little food stall.

"So, are you going to sell all this?" Adrien asked Tom as they unpacked the boxes. Tom gave a jolly laugh and shook his head.

"It's Christmas. We're giving everything for free." The man smiled down at the boy.

"That explains the many boxes." The blond mumbled.

"Thanks for your help, boy." Tom said, putting the box down.

"No problem. Glad to help." Adrien smiled, putting the box down.

Tom looked at him for awhile, making Adrien nervous. Tom suddenly smiled and hit the blonds back lightly.

"You know what? I like you, son." Tom laughed. Adrien soon joined.

From a distance Alya and Nino did a fist bump. "He finally got on Tom's good side." Alya said in excitement.

Nino smirked. "That's my boy for ya."

Sabine watched as her husband talked with the blond boy.

"Looks like your father's taken a liking to Adrien. Tell me dear, is he your boyfriend?" Sabine asked, causing Marinette to fall.


"What? You're already at that stage where you have boyfriends and whatnot." Sabine teased.

"Mom, stop teasing." Marinette said as she stood up.

"Are you saying you like him?" Sabine asked.

"What? No!" Marinette said, defensively.

"Don't worry, dear. I know."


"Honey! I was a teenage girl just like you. Do you think I don't know." Sabine scolded.

Marinette sighed in defeat. "You caught me."

"Knew it!" Sabine winked and walked away.

I make no promises. Lol, what? 😂

What do you call a three humped camel?

PREGNANT!!😂😂😂😂 Sorry I had too.

-Edited 2K18-

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