Chapter 26

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"Alya, I swear! Something is seriously wrong with your boyfriend!" Marinette rambled.

Alya laughed. "Well, Nino is a crazy fanboy. That's what I like about him. Oh, did you know he ships-"



"AHHHHH! Geez! Nino. Die in a hole." Marinette said, holding her chest. Nino smiled and walked to Alya, putting a hand around her waist.

"I won't die till you and Adrien become canon." Nino grinned.

"Bye!" The bluenette waved and left.


The rest of the day was fine for Marinette. Aside from Nino, managing to come to her sight, who would always wiggle his eyebrows when she was close to HIM.

Home time came. Marinette was more than happy to just ran across the street to her home.

She sighed in happiness when the familiar scent of baked goods filled her nose.

"You seem to be enjoying the smell too much." Marinette jumped at the voice.


"Heyo! You thought I'd let you get away that easily." Nino grinned.

"And me!" Alya jumped from behind him.



"Look, my love life is none of your business! Who I choose to be my boyfriend is what? Oh yeah, none of yo bee-wax!" The devastated bluenette exclaimed at the couple in front of her.

Alya raised her hands in defence while Nino chuckled. "But Marinette, your business has officially became our business." Marinette groaned at his response.

"Nice one." Alya whispered.

"Alya! How did you get in on this?" Marinette looked to her friend. Alya laughed. "It was all Nino. And besides, you and Adrien do look good together." Alya smiled. Marinette groaned even more.

"Wait, Alya! Didn't you notice something today?"

Alya looked at her. "What?"

"The newcomer girl. Erm..Lila. Yeah, I didn't she her at school." Marinette pointed out, making the to exchange looks of agreement.

"That's because I'm right behind you bitches!"

Last update for today!

XD Sorry for the short chapter! But right now, I managed to do 3 chapters for y'all. Consider it an early Christmas gift!😂😂😂😂😂 Oh, but the ending of this chapter.
😂😂😂😂😂 I am dead!

A little thought that might be a spoiler for those who didn't watch the Christmas Special of Miraculous Ladybug. Don't read if you don't want it to be spoilt for you.

The scene were Worst Christmas goes to Chloé's house and sings. And also when he approached Ladybug. THE DUDE WAS FRICKING DABBING! O.O

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