Chapter 11

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(Note: my ignorant immature ass didn't mention this but there is slight references to rape in this chapter.

Sorry. 2K20)

"What movie is this?" Adrien asked his friend. Nino swallowed his popcorn and grinned.

"Star wars."


"NOOOOOOOOO!" The girls in the theatre cried while blowing the nose. Most boys let a goofy grin as they watch the guy who, supposedly took their girlfriends, drown to his death.

Marinette sniffed in her seat as Alya groaned at the drama.

"Cliché isn't my type." She mumbled under her breath. Nathaniël, who was fast asleep, let out a loud snore as if to agree with the ombrè's comment.

The movie ended and everyone was out of the theater.

Adrien completely forgot his plans due to the 'awesomeness' of the movie.

"Man, it was so awesome when Darth Vader said... You say it! It's more cool when you do it!" Nino said, squealing like a little girl.

"Luke, I am your father!" Adrien spoke, trying to mimic the heavy breath man.

[Edit: I know the phrase was wrong! XD but I just love it so much!]

"Yah!" They fist bumped.

"Okay, I'm just gonna go freshen up." The blonde said to his friend. "Isn't that what girls say?" Nino snickered.

"I don't care."

"Gotta go, gotta go, gotta goo!" The bluenette repeated as she ran looking for a bathroom. Apparently, she had to much to drink.

"Holy crap, yes!" She smiled and walked into the bathroom, not noticing the SIGN!

(yes, I had to emphasis that☺)

She quickly ran into a stall and done her business. Walking out with a satisfying smile, it quickly turned upside down when she saw a man about a few inches taller than her.

She tilted her head. "Umm, what are you doing here?" She questioned.

The man gave an evil grin. "Likewise." After he spoke, he pushed her into the stall and closed the door.

"U-um.." She stuttered in fright as the man inched closer.

Her body was against the wall while the man pressed his against her.

"Such beauty." He whispered as he brushed her cheeks. The feeling of his hand sent shivers down her spin. She shivered a little making the man smirk.

"Cold?" He asked.

"N-n-no.." She stuttered. She gasped when he leaned down and roughly kissed her neck.

"S-STOP!" She cried in fear and tried to push him off. The man only grabbed her arms and pinned them to the wall.

"HELP!" She cried out as tears fell from her eyes.

The man slowly lowered his hands to her shirt and ripped it apart.

"PLEASE!" She scream.

"No one will-" The man began to speak but was cut off when the door was forcefully kicked open.

"Hey! Let her go right now!!" The person shouted. It took time for Marinette's vision to clear but she could make out the red hair. She recognized the voice as Nathaniël.

The red head threw a punch at the man, quickly knocking him unconscious.

"N-nath.." She mumbled as the red head bend down to her level.

"Shh. You're safe now." He hushed her as he carried her out of the boys bathroom.

"You really have to pay attention to the signs." Nathaniël spoke as he put her down and handed her his jacket.

Marinette blushed and took the coat, putting it over her. "Okay."

-Edited 2K18-

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