Chapter 38

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Adrien was having a rough day. Serious, constant headaches, stuffed nose and hallucinations! Like, what is this!?

He was laying on his bed when he heard someone call him. "Hmm?" Was all he managed to say.

He sat up and looked around. His vision was blurry and he was lightheaded.

"Ugh, Nino?" He called faintly.

"Nathalie?" He called again and stood up. He opened his door and looked out. No one.

He walked out of his room and searched if anyone was nearby. He walked past his father's room, where he was a shadow move. "Dad? Did you call?" He opened the door but saw that his father wasn't there.

He blankly looked around but was shock when he saw someone. Someone familiar..

"Mom?" She had her back turned. He walked in cautiously, looking at her intently. He reach out to touch her shoulder but she vanished.

"H-huh?" He said dumbfounded.

"Adrien." He turned and saw Marinette smiling at him warmly.


"Adrien, I love you." She said sweetly to him, smiling. His eyes widened.

Than, he saw his mother walk in from behind her and out a hand on Marinette's shoulder. She smiled down at the girl, Marinette smiling back and they both turned to Adrien, smiling.

He was so right. They way they smiled.

He couldn't help but smile back.

His father then entered the room with a deep frown.

"Adrien, what are you doing in my roo- Why are you smiling like tha- ADRIEN!?" That was the last thing he heard before he fainted.


"MARINETTE!!!!!" Marinette cringed and pulled the phone away from her ear. Seriously, can't she just have a day of peace without any interruptions? She had just sat down with a warm cup of chocolate and a magazine which she had found in her living room. And than Alya calls and begins to shout into the phone like a maniac.

She groaned at this and brought the phone back to her ear when Alya was done screaming.

"Say that again Alya, I couldn't hear you the first time." She calmly spoke. She heard Alya's deep breaths before she spoke again. "What's wrong with you, Alya?"

"Marinette.. Adrien... Sick-"

"I know his sick Al-"


The bluenette's eyes widened. "WH-"

The call ended before she could finish. She scoffed and threw her phone on the table. "Mama, I'm going to the hospital!" She called while walking to her room to get her bag.

"Why, what's wrong?" Sabine asked.

"Adrien's in the hospital! I have to go a see if his okay!" Marinette replied. Sabine cupped her cheeks and contained her squeals. She watched as her daughter came to the living room with her bag, pick up her phone and live.

"D'awwwww..." Sabine squealed.

"Mama, I can still hear you." A muffled voice said.


Nino sat beside Adrien's bed quietly. Quietly? Why? Because Mr Agreste was sitting on the opposite side, looking at him. As if reading his mind. It was really awkward. Five hours went by and Nino was surprised that Adrien's old man didn't use the bathroom or eat...cause Nino was starving, but something told him that if he made the slightest move...The man something.

Nino gulped for the 29th time, that was when Adrien began to stir. "Adrien." Mr Agreste said and stood up.

"Mmh....Dad?" Adrien said in a faint whisper.

Mr Agreste sighed and nodded. "Thank god, you're okay. Now I can go to work while your friend takes care of you. Take care, son." With that, he left.

Adrien couldn't process everything his father said because of the headache he had. "Dude, you're okay." Nino smiled.

"Argh! I feel like shit."

"You also look like it."

Adrien shot him a weak glare only get a chuckle from Nino. "Look, I'm starving, so if you want something-"

"Soup." He answered.

Nino nodded. "But who's gonna look after yo-"

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Both Alya and Marinette burst into the room, panting wildly. Nino blinked at the girls while Adrien slowly turned to them.

"Hey, girls. Alya, could you come with me to the cafeteria to buy some food? Thanks!" Nino pulled Alya with him a closed the door.

Marinette scratched her head than turned to Adrien. "Hey."

"Sup?" He replied weakly. She smiled weakly at him and sat on the chair beside his bed. "What's up with the weak smile? I'm the one who's weak here." Adrien joked causing Marinette to giggled at him. "How are you feeling?" She asked worriedly.

"Like I've been hit by a bus." He replied.

"Heh, so much for courting."

"What does me being sick have to do with that?" He raised an eyebrow at her. Marinette shrugged, "nothing.."

"Besides, it was worth it." He smirked at her. Marinette blushed, "Even though you didn't get the answer you wanted?"

"Baby, I'd wait a hundred years." Adrien said with a goofy grin.

"Wow, since when did Adrien the bully turn into Adrien the sweetheart?" She smiled and rolled her eyes.

Adrien shrugged, "But I could be Adrien the boyfriend anytime." He winked at her making her blush harder.

"Oh, shut up!"

"Heheh, flattered you, have I now?" He cupped his chin with one hand and wiggled his eyebrows.

Marinette glared at him playfully and shoved him gently. "Where did all this energy come from?" She questioned, looking at Adrien who was now clapping hysterically.

"From you, baby. When I'm with you, I can run a marathon, climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest seas, kick a dinosaurs ass, FRICKING LIFT-"

"Marinette, did you give Adrien drugs?" Nino asked, coming inside with food...and Alya.

Marinette giggled and shook her head. "He's just talking nonsense."


"Dude, calm down. I got you some hot chocolate and cookies, since there was no soup. Besides, you love cookies." Nino showed him the cookies he had bought.

"Correction, I like Marinette's cookies. But, okay." He took the cookie and bit it. "Not bad." He said happily, munching on the cookie with delight.

"Man, he looks so cute right now." Nino states.

"Nino that's weird." Alya said, backing away from him.

Bullied By Him [Adrienette Au]Where stories live. Discover now