Chapter 15

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Hey, guys! Why am I updating? Hmmmm, good question! Why AM I updating????

Oh ye! It's because I was feeling inspired by the new cover I made! Yeah...

No. That's not it. I was just plain bored like I always am, so I decided to do this and well... I'm bored.

Let's play a game??? Yeah???

Okay! I say a sentence and you complete it! Okay!?😀
Here it goes!!!!!!👇👇👇👇👇

Adrien titties....


"Yeah. It turns out he likes Chloé." Marinette sighed as she told Alya the whole story of what had happened yesterday.

"And also, this guy pranked me with lyrics to a song!" She exclaimed, getting out of disappointment and into rage.

"Oh, yeah. It's this unknown number. It's at this times of the year they start their little lyric pranks. I got pranked once." Alya recalled.

"What song did they use?"

"I don't wanna say...."

Marinette pouted. "Aww, c'mon! I told you mine!"

"No you didn't."

"Right... Okay fine!" Marinette gave up. Too flustered.

"Ha!" Alya laughed triumphantly.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Marinette rolled her eyes at her best friend. Just than she saw Nathaniël walking by with Chloé. She sighed. Chloé had her arms linked with his. And what was worse?! They were smiling.

She was too envious of the two, she didn't realise what was different about Chloé.

"Is Chloé wearing... Light make up?!" Alya gawked in disbelief. Marinette suddenly squinted her eyes. "Yeah! But I have to say, it really compliments her skin." Marinette commented.

Alya than let a small smile take over her lips. "Maybe dating Nathaniël would be the best for her. No, them! I never saw Tomato so happy. You know what, Chloé can be Banana! Or Lemon?" Alya chirped. Marinette facepalmed at her friend. She may be smart, but she's also an idiot!

"Hey, ladies!" They turned around to see who it was. Adrien.

"What?" They asked in unison. Adrien began to flex in front of them making Marinette roll her eyes.

"So, I'm hosting a Halloween party tomorrow night and.. I decided to have a heart and invite you two." He flipped his bangs once he finished speaking.

" do we know you're not kidding?" Alya eyed him suspiciously.

"Well, everyone's technically talking about it." He gestured the many students walking pass them. They were all busy talking, some even glancing at Adrien.

"Still no." Alya said.

Adrien smirked. "Yo, dude! See you at the party!" He called to one of the students.

"Right back at ya, bro!" They called back.


"Fine! C'mon Marinette!" Alya scowled and pulled Marinette with her.

"Hehehehehehe.." Adrien laughed while stroking his invisible beard.
Okay! Look! I wasn't planning on making this long! And I know Halloween is over but hey! Why not?!

Besides, I will be making that chapter extra extra looong!!!

Now, may the power of Adrien's titties be with you.


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