12~Sweets on you

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  • Gewidmet Luisa ♥


~I’m sorry that there are so many changes in the POV at the beginning~


As Perrie stepped aside, we could see the Girl behind her. I couldn't stop myself from starring at her. She was beautiful. She had long blond Hair and a cute face. But when I saw her eyes I really couldn't stop staring at her. They were Turquoise like the Sea when we were on the Bahamas. As I said my name I could see that she was uncomfortable because she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. I realized that I was the reason why she was feeling like that but I really couldn’t stop starring.

As Louis introduced himself as the Carrot King I really couldn’t help myself. I mean seriously everyone who has met Louis once knew that he could always make you laugh. As she set down next to Niall I couldn’t help but look at her again. I was whishing so bad that she would’ve sat next to me.


When I first saw her after Perrie stepped aside, I really had to admit that she was beautiful. I liked her style and her blond hair was in big curls all over her back. But her Eyes were probably the most fascinating thing. They were looking like the sea. This was nearly the coolest Pair of Eyes I have ever seen. The coolest Eyes were probably the Eyes of a fan I once met. She had two totally different Eyes and that was really cool. But as always Harry had begun to flirt with her and who wants to talk to the cute Irish one when she can have Harry? Right nobody.

Louis was acting totally crazy pretending to be the carrot king which was hilarious!

I called her Zo because it was fitting her but I realized too late that we had met just a few minutes ago and that I probably shouldn’t call her that. She must’ve seen that because she said that it is okay and after that she winked at me. Holy Crab! I felt myself blush without really a reason. Wow perfect Niall now she thinks you are an idiot. Harry was staring at her with lust in his eyes and it looks like he was undressing her in his head. As if I had a chance now, that Harry had laid his Eyes on her.

She walked over to me and Liam and sat down. I could felt Harry jealous staring at us but I was distracted when I saw what was inside the bowl on Zo’s Lap. Sweets! I grabbed the bowl and heard Zoey chuckle. Even her laugh was adorable!


While we were watching the film Harry was glancing at me several times and I really have to say that this was annoying as Hell! Niall and I had made a lot of joke during the movie and he was really a nice guy. His Eyes were really amazing. In the middle of the film I saw Perrie talking to Zayn and after that they both went outside. I really hope that Zayn will take that well…

After the film they both weren’t back and I began to worry. But if they were still talking I didn’t want to interrupt them. So I played a game with Niall, I threw some of the sweets and he tried to catch most of them with his mouth. It was really adorable to watch and I couldn’t stop laughing. Niall was really a cute guy and we get along well. After a while we got boring and I throw some of the sweets at Liam. He looked around to find the person who had thrown it but I quickly turned around and looked at my mobile. The bowl was standing on the table and Louis was sitting beside it.

“Louis stop throwing sweets at me, that is not our house!” he said to Louis.

Louis turned to him and said “What are you talking about mate?”

Liam gave him a look but continued to watch the TV.

I looked to Niall and he was turned away from them as well and trying to hold back a laugh.

I smiled to him and he grinned back. I turned around and threw sweets again.

“LOUIS THAT IS NOT FUNNY!” Liam yelled. Wow never heard him yell before. Maybe he was yelling because we interrupted him while watching Toy Story.

“I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING!” Louis yelled back.

“You are throwing sweets at me! You are sitting next to the bowl!” Liam said and looked at him.

“I am really not doing anything mate” Louis said. Niall and I went to the kitchen and burst out laughing. We were laughing so hard that we didn’t even heard Louis and Liam behind us until they grabbed me and Niall and lifted us up. “Heeeeeyyy “I protested while I was hitting Louis’s bum.

Niall was trying to kick Liam but failed. So he was doing nothing but grabbed more sweets on the way. But I’ll not give up that fast. By now I was poking him always at the same place. Louis began to move awkwardly and I was poking him harder. “Stop that Zoey you are mean!” he winced and made the mistake to take on of his hands to his bum. I took this opportunity to get out of his grip and began to wiggle. I fell down and landed hard on the ground. There was a sharp pain at my left side and I immediately had tears in my eyes. I knew this pain to well that was one of my ribs.

I tried to open my eyes but all I could see was black. I heard voices around me but I couldn’t concentrate what they were saying. Maybe I had hit my head a bit as well.

“Zo?” a soft voice asked me. The voice sounded worried but I couldn’t remember how it was.

“What is that Liam?” now the voice was filled with sadness.

“Shh Niall I bet she can hear us…” Liam whispered back.

“Zo, love can you hear us? Try to open your eyes” Louis said.

I could now recognize the voices so maybe it was better.

I opened my eyes and they all breathed in relief.

“Zo you got us really worried. Are you okay? “Liam asked me and smiled.

I opened my mouth to speak but no word came out.

“Love what is it?” now Liam looked worried again.

I pointed to my ribs and Liam looked at me worried.

“Can you breathe Zo?” asked Niall.

I nodded.

“Zo I am so so sorry” Louis said and he really looked guilty.

I shook my head and smiled at him. I noticed that my shirt was a bit up and my stomach was exposed. And everybody could clearly see my scars. Shit!

“Let’s bring you to a hospital Zo” Liam said. I nodded and he began to lift me up in his arms.

I winced in pain and Niall grabbed my hand.

“Maybe I should take her Liam?” Niall asked. Oiii a bit overprotective aren’t we?

“Niall I got her” Liam said and gave Niall a smile.

Liam was really strong and his arms were sexy as hell.

“Niall do you know were Harry is? I haven’t seen him in a While...” Louis said.

“Nope he wasn’t in the living room when we came out of the kitchen” Niall said but he was still looking at me. I closed my Eyes because the pain was unbelievable.

“Hey what have you guys done with her?” a really angry sounding Zayn asked.

“And what the hell happened here?” Perrie asked.

“We just ...and the she fell ..and now we are bringing her to the hospital” Louis babbled.

“She just fell by herself hu? And why are you bringing her to the hospital guys? And why are her eyes closed Liam? What the hell have you done with her? We were just a second outside and you almost killed her! She is still alive isn’t she?” Zayn’s Voice became more and more worried.

“She fell on her ribs and that’s why we are bringing her to the hospital” Liam said.

I opened my eyes but the light was giving me headache. I closed them and opened them again but now really slowly. We weren’t inside anymore and there was no light beside the moon. “Niall now you can take her, I’ll drive” Liam said and I couldn’t help but wince at the pain. I felt Niall’s arms around me and after that it all went black.

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