20~Work things out

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My Table laid in the middle of my Room and my chair was missing pieces. The frames on my wall were laying broken on the floor and there was blood on my floor.

“What the hell?” I mumbled to myself.

Then my Eyes fell on the 2 Boys. Niall had Blood dripping from his Nose and bruises on his Neck and a swolen lip.

Harry has Blood dripping from is lip and his one eye was closed. Niall was held by Liam but was still looking like he was about to kill Harry until he met my eyes. He seemed to calm down and the anger was not so visible in his eyes anymore.

Harry on the other side was looking angry but completely clueless. Louis was sitting by his side.

“Boys…now could you please tell us why you have destroyed Zoeys Room and why you looked like you were about to kill each other?” Zayn spoke up. He was standing in the middle of them. It looked funny and I probably would have laughed if it wasn’t so serious right now. My Eyes were burning but I couldn’t stop crying. I was close to being raped… I guess it would take time to realize how close it was.


I was so angry! That bastard! How could he? She was the cutest girl ever and she was mine so what the hell was he thinking that he was about to rape her? I still couldn’t believe it. And he looked like he was not getting anything!  Completely clueless.

As Liam rushed into the room followed by Zayn and Louis Zo’s room was a mess. I had hit Harry at his lip and he had hit my nose. We both had blood in our faces and at Zo’s floor. Liam rushed over to me and grabbed me by the waist. When the Hell had he became this strong?! He just lifted me of the ground above his head and moved me meters away from harry. I felt the anger rise up again. As soon as my feet touched the ground I tried to get to Harry. But Liams arms held me close to his chest. I could feel a pair of eyes on me and looked around. As I looked into her eyes I immediately calmed down. I stopped to move and I could’ve gotten lost in her eyes if there weren’t the other boys. Louis was sitting next to Harry who held a towel to his lip. Zayn was standing next to Zo and held her at her waist. While he looked at the others of us. He looked at me and we both starred at each other. “Boys…now could you please tell us why you have destroyed Zoeys Room and why you looked like you were about to kill each other?” he spoke up. I was about to tell what a bastard Harry is, when I was stopped by Harry himself. He began to sob. Tears were dripping down his cheeks almost every second and we all starred at him in shock.

“I-I aam so-oo Sor-ry Zo” he sobbed now in the towel. All the boys heads snapped to Zoey in wonder and she looked taken back.

“I-I-I” she croaked before wiggling out of Zayns hand and running away.

Zayn ran after her before I could even move. Everyone turned around to look at me because Harry was still sobbing in to the now red towel.

“Ni care to explain?” Liam asked me.

“Not my Story to tell” I said and glanced at Harry.

“But Hazza is obviously not able to speak is he?” Louis snapped at me. That made my anger rise up again. I didn’t do anything! His Hazza did the shit!

“Yeah maybe if he hadn’t just tried to rape Zoey cause he is fucking jealous and drunk that a girl preferred me over him than he would be able to talk!” I hadn’t even realized how thick my accent got and how I raised my voice until I saw the Look on Liams face.

After my outburst I saw guilt flashing over Louis face. Harry was sobbing louder and now curled up in a ball on the ground. My anger disappeared when I looked at Liam. He was looking like a lost puppy at Harry with a confused Look in his face. He turned away from them and walked over to me.

“I am sorry Ni that we taught that you’ve done something” He said and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back. When we pulled away Louis was standing beside me. “I am sorry for snapping. Never thought that of him and just saw him crying you know?” and with that he pulled me into a hug as well. Louis jumped in my arms when Harry cried out loud behind us. He pulled away and walked over to Zos bed and sat down. I decided to look for Zoey. I walked to her living room and found Zayn sitting on her couch with a sobbing Zo in his arms. When he saw me he stood up and walked over to me. He hugged me as well. Seems like everybody is hugging me today.

“She told me everything… How could he? You’ve done everything right Ni” He whispered in my ear. And with that he walked to Zoeys room.

I walked over to her. She looked up to me with red puffy eyes. When she saw me she stood up and flew in my arms. That was unexpected but I caught her. She sobbed into my chest while mumbling “Thank you Ni” over and over again. I kissed her neck and she seemed to tense up and I thought that I did something wrong. But she snuggled deeper in my chest. Maybe I’ve finally found a good girl. My princess. I was deep in thought when I felt her lips on mine. Again she surprised me but I kissed her back.

“Maybe Ni, we could go out tomorrow evening.” Zo mumbled against my lips.

“I would be happy to go out with ya Zo” I answered.

She pulled away and I immediately missed her lips on mine.

She looked at me. “Tomorrow is my first day of university Ni… Do you think they will like me?” She looked so broken. “Course they will. Why wouldn’t they babe?” I asked her. Zos face lit up and I got an idea.

“Maybe I could drive you there tomorrow Zo? And I could also pick you up afterwards…”

“that would be perfect Ni. Thank you” she said. “Come on let’s eat something” and with that she walked away in the direction of her kitchen. I followed her because my tummy was already making weird noises. We decided to make spaghetti and soon the boys were standing with us in the kitchen. Harry still had puffy eyes but seemed to be clearer in his head. But I grabbed Zos waist and held her close while she stirred in the tomato sauce. She gave me a grateful smile and handed me plates.

We all sat at the table and talked about everything. Even though Harry was still quiet and Zo was not looking in his direction my life seemed good right now. Because I finally found my girl. I just knew it.

After we ate and watched a bit TV we helped Zo clean up her room.

About 9 we all left her flat. Everyone except harry hugged her and walked to the car. I was the last one in the row and as we said goodbye I crashed my lips on her lips. She kissed me back and we both seemed to be in our own world until a horn from outside let us both jump. We laughed and she quickly peeked my lips before shutting the door behind me. I walked to the car and they (except Harry)smirked at me.

“Awww Nialler found a girl” Louis teased and I couldn’t help but blush.

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