17~Falling fast

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I was happy at home with the boys. I had just uploaded the vid and I was waiting that they will find it.

"Ni?What have you uploaded on twitter?" that was Liam. After a while he spoke again. "A VID WHERE WE ARE ALL SLEEPING?!" Oii angry Liam.

"He has WHAT?" and that was Harry. Just seconds later they were all standing in front of me.

"Yes maybe I've done that..." and I smiled at them.

They were all crowded around Liams laptop and were watching the vid. When Liam fell off the couch they all burst out laughing but stopped immediately when Liam glared at them.

They were not so angry anymore and we all decided to watch a film. Liam was still a bit angry about all the laughter and because of that he just put the "Toy Story" DVD in the player without even asking us.

After a while I felt really tired and I was close to my wonderland but my mobile rang loudly. I didn't really look at the screen and just said : "Hello?"

"Ni? They are all ha-hating me! I can't stand this I'll do it again!" Somebody sobbed in my mobile. It took me a moment to realize who it was and what she was talking about.

"Zo? What are you...- Oh no Zo you will not do this I ..." but before I could say more she hung up on me. I held my head in my hands and took a deep breath. What now? I could feel all the Boys starring at me wanting an explanation. I had to go to Zo. I promised that I'll help her. I stood up and walked to the door. I put on my vans and grabbed my sweater and the car keys. I was almost out of the door when somebody grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Where do you think are you going Ni?" Liam asked me and let go of my wrist. All the boys were standing behind him.

"I'm going to Zoeys" I said and turned around. I quickly walked to the car and drove off. I could see them all standing at the door looking after me.

As I was finally standing in front of her door I tried to remember what she has said when we first met. She was on the phone with Perrie and described her where her second key was.

Think Niall think!

I could see that evening in my head again. Zo was really angry at Zayn because of what he has said. After he had given her the number she had talked to her.

"Perrie? It's Zoey. Where are you?"

After that she has listened a while but said quickly

"I know I am coming okay? There is a spare Key behind the flowers at my Door. I am coming as quick as I can."

YES! Behind the flowers... okay so here were a few flowers. I looked behind almost every flower but nothing. Then my sight fell to the door. There were pink flowers in the shape of a heart. I looked behind it and bingo! I quickly opened the door and put the key back. I walked inside and found the living room empty. I walked further inside and said her name. I went to her bedroom but she wasn't here either. I was almost with one foot out of the door again to walk to the kitchen when I saw that there was light in the bathroom.

I laid my hand on the door handle and took a deep breath afraid of what I could find on the other side. I pushed it down and opened the door. The shower was running and a passed out Zoey laid on the floor. I ran to her and turned the water off. It was ice cold by now. I held her in my arms. She was so cold! Her lips were blue and she was looking pale. I tried to wake her but she wasn't moving. I walked her to her bedroom and decided what to do. I had to take these cold clothes off her and but her pyjama on. I took of her jeans and her t-shirt. I couldn't help myself but I had to admit that she was beautiful. She had new cuts on her arm. And it was my fault. If I hadn't posted that damm video they wouldn't hate her. She was now mumbling things I couldn't understand. I decided against the thought of taking off her underwear. She would become warm even with them. I grabbed my sweater and changed her into it. It was a Way too big for her but it was warm. I also grabbed a legging from her wardrobe and changed her into it. She was not looking so pale anymore and her lips were not blue anymore. But her skin was still very cold. I gently laid her down and put the blankets around her. Then I took my jeans off and laid beside her. She turned around to me and opened her eyes. She was crying again. I grabbed her and pulled her to my chest. She laid her head on it and mumbled "I'm so sorry Ni ... So so sorry but they were all so mean and I really..."

"Shhhhh Zo" I interrupted her. "It's okay"

I was falling for her. And I was falling fast. Holding her in my arms like that felt so right. But I knew that Harry was fancying her as well. But then she said the few words I was hoping for.

"I think I am falling for you Ni. But I do not know you for a long time. We just met..." Zo mumbled.

"I think I am falling for you as well Zo" I spoke softly.

"How can you like somebody like me?" Her voice was cracking. "I'm a wreck. Look at me. My skin. Just everything."

"I think you are truly beautiful Zo" I said honestly.

"Thank yo Ni" she mumbled and after that she was lightly snoring.

Maybe I've finally found my princess I've searched for over 3 years. Maybe she was broken but I could fix that. And maybe just maybe I've finally met a girl that did not prefer Harry and liked me for who I am. And with these thoughts I drifted off to sleep as well.

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