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When I woke up the next morning I was confused. Why was my pillow breathing? I sat up and looked down. Ahhh that was Niall... that explains why it was so comfy! I looked around and everyone was still asleep. Perrie and Zayn intertwined with each other while Louis and Harry were laying side by side on the floor Harrys Head on Louis chest. Liam was laying kind of upside down his head nearly touching the floor. I chuckled. This was looking so funny. I stood up and tiptoed in front of my TV. I took a picture and decided to make pancakes. While I stood there I zoned out. I thought about so much that I really didn't hear him coming. He hugged me from behind me and I shrieked.

"Good Morning beautiful" Oh wow his morning voice was just incredible and his Irish accent was not making it easier for me.

"Morning" I said. I took one pancake and gave it to Niall. He smiled widely at me as if I were his hero. I chuckled and continued to cook. Soon I had used all my mixture and I head nearly 47 pancakes. WOW. I grabbed the now very full plate, 6 other plates because Niall already had one, forks and knifes and walked into my living room. I put everything on my small living room table and Niall was standing behind me.

"I'll film that" he whispered and smiled. Okay?

I walked to Harry and shook him gently.

"5 more minutes kay?" he mumbled. Damm his morning voice was sexy as hell too.

I chuckled and shook him again. Now he wasn't moving or responding so I poked his cheek.

He still wasn't moving so I poked again. He opened his Eyes. Finally! I smiled at him and he looked around, confused. The side of his head were he laid on Louis chest his curls were not so curly anymore. But the other side was very curly. He looked very funny. I shook Louis and he didn't move either. I poked him in his stomach and he opened his Eyes. I smiled and he looked around confused as well. I walked over to Liam and shook him as well. He opened his Eyes then he moved his leg. Big Mistake. He lost his balance on the edge of the couch and fell to the ground with a very loud *thumb*

Perrie and Zayn were woken up because of that and Liam rubbed his Head.

"I made pancakes" I smiled at everyone.

"Where's Niall? Zayn asked. I turned around confused. When did he left?

"Wait Zo you left him alone with the pancakes?" Liams eyes went wide.

"No I put them right here on the coffee table...Where the Hell are they gone?"

We all ran to my kitchen and found Niall sitting there. Half of the pancakes were gone and he was still eating. He ate about 20 pancakes! I grabbed the plate and he looked like I tried to kill him.

"Whaayy hapf yyoau takkkenf theem apfhay?" Niall said.

"Niall swallow and then talk how often do I have to say that Niall?" Liam said.

He swallowed and mumbled "sorry"... he starred at the pancakes.

"How much has he already eaten?" Harry asked me.

"Uuum about 20?" I said. They all gasped. "Niall no more pancakes for you!" Liam ordered and sounded like a Daddy. Daddy Direction here we go...! Niall on the other hand looked like a little child that got taken away his favorite toy. They all went back to my living room and I took one pancake. I went to my kitchen where Niall was still sitting and looking very sad. I grabbed my nutella and a knife and drew a heart on the pancake. I turned around and put the plate in front of Niall. He looked like I made him the luckiest man in the world. He stood up and kissed me on my cheek. Like a billion times. I laughed and turned around to go back. I sat on the couch and grabbed a pancake for myself. After a while Niall came back to the living room. With chocolate in his face.

"Niall! Have you eaten ZO'S CHOCLATE?!" Liam snapped at him.

He looked taken back.

"Whaa-what? No-no Li I just I" Niall said,

"Li it's okay I gave a bit to him" I smiled at him.

He nodded and continued to eat his pancakes.

Niall smiled widely at me. He was really a cute boy. We all sat there watched films and ate sweets and pancakes all Day until Louis thought that it was too normal. So he decided that it would be fun to dress up in my clothes and do each other's make-up. Perrie and I taught that this was quite hilarious. So they all went to my room and Perrie and I had time for some "girls talk".

"So... Zo...what do you think about the cute Irish lad? I think he fancies youuu!"

I blushed. "I ...I don't know Perr. I just met him you know."

She giggled and hugged me. Then we were both interrupted by a door flying open and Louis stood in front of us. He wore my Victoria secret underwear with my pink hairband. And he was still wearing his clothes under it. The next one was Harry. He was wearing my yoga leggings with a bra and a pink top. His curls were in a bun in the middle of his head. And he had make-up on! I swear this was the best thing I've ever seen. Zayn and Niall were not dressed (Louis said they were to cool for funny things)

Later that evening the Boys and Perrie went home but they all said they had a wonderful time. We all decided that we have to meet soon again. I cleaned the Mess and went to bed. In 2 Days I'll go to university! With that thought I passed away quickly.

The next Day was pretty chilly. I woke up late and made me breakfast. I chilled the whole day until my phone beeped. It was a new Message!

FROM: Your Irish prince charming <3 <3 <3 :***

>>Hey Zo :) How is your twitter name ;) ? <<

Your Irish prince charming <3 <3 <3 :*** ???? Oh I remembered Louis has changed all my names yesterday... I quickly changed it into <<Niall :)>> and replied.

TO: Niall :)

>>My twitter is @Zo_unbelievable <<

Maybe I should've asked why he wanted to know that but at that moment I received tons of notifications. All from twitter. Niall had mentioned me!

@NiallOffical the best wake up scene ever guys! Just had so much fun with our lovely friend @Zo_unbelievable ! See ya soon babe! Smarturl.comfn.niuewbfh.com

Attached to that tweet was the video were I was waking up all the boys. It was really funny! I already had a bunch of new followers and new mentions every second. I clicked on my mentions and all I could see was hate.

@Horansprincessxxxx Move your dirty hands away from my future husband! You ugly whore!

@Harrystealmeplease Oiii how ugly can somebody be? You're disgusting!

@Louisismycarrotking What the hell are you doing? Stop touching my lovely boys!

I had tears in my eyes as I ran to my bathroom and searched for my blades. I was already pressing it to my skin as I remembered the promise I had given to Niall. I would call him. With shaky hands I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.

"Hello?" his Irish voice mumbled.

"Ni? They are all ha-hating me! I can't stand this I'll do it again!" I sobbed into my mobile.

"Zo? What are you...- Oh no Zo you will not do this I ..." But I hung up on him. I just promised that I would call him. And with that I pressed the blade to my skin and made a cut.

After about 10 cuts I laid sobbin in my shower and watched the blood run down with the water. I suddenly felt sleepy and I drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

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