26~Turn your face

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~AN: Thanks soooo much for over 1000 reads! Never thought I would reach that goal <3 *victory dance*~

>>Nialls POV <<


I wasn’t too happy about letting go of Zoeys Hand and go up to talk with Harry but I also knew that I had to talk to him sometime. I knocked at his door and could hear Zo’s laugh from downstairs. I smiled at that. She was so good for me. I didn’t get a respond and the door was locked so I knocked again. “Go away Lou” I heard Harry say from inside. “It’s me mate. We need to talk” I responded and after that I could hear steps inside. The door clicked open and in front of me stood Harry.

 He looked really upset. “Ni…” he whispered. I couldn’t help but hug him tightly. “What’s the matter Haz?” I asked him. Harry hugged me for a bit until he pulled away and lend me in the room. He closed the door behind us before he sat on his bed. He looked at his lap and began to cry. What the Hell was going on? “Haz..?” I said.

“Ni… I am … I am jealous. You two are so happy together. Everyone is happy with their girls. But I am still single! Why?” He cried and hugged me again. Poor Haz… It’s been a long time since just one of us was single… Was there even a time that just one of us was single?

“Haz it’s gonna be alright. You will find the right girl as well. Look! I was single for so long! You will find her as well” I said softly and Harry seemed to calm down.

“Why are you so sure that she is the one?” he whispered and I smiled. “I just know it. Actually Haz, I thought about… proposing to her…” I whispered and Harrys Head snapped up. “Really?” he asked me and I nodded. “You know each other for about 2 months Ni” he said and raised an eyebrow. Yeah. I knew that. But I was so sure about Zoey. “I know” I said. “But she is my girl Harry. I just know it. I already bought a ring… She once showed it to me” I said and smiled at me. He looked at me and smiled as well.

“You two are very cute together Ni” Harry said. “Thanks Haz. But really don’t give up now. You will find her” I said and stood up. I patterned his back and walked to the door. When I stood outside of Harry’s room I heard Voices from downstairs. I walked down the stairs and saw Zoey stood with her back to me in the middle of the room, her mobile in her hand. Liam was standing near her and looked worried at her while Louis stood in another corner of the room.

“What’s going on?” I said. All their heads snapped to me and I could see tears on Zoeys face. I felt the anger rise inside me. Why was she crying? Whose fault is that? “What is going on?” I growled. Liam tried to grab Zoeys mobile but she ran outside. What the Hell??? “ZOEY!” I screamed after her but she was gone.

I was really angry. Obviously something has happened down here, so this was Liam’s and Louis fault!

“WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?” I screamed at them, louder than I had expected from myself. I saw Louis jump a bit before he stuttered: “There was this guy in the TV and he talked about her and what’s going on in her notifications and she wasn’t stopping looking at it…” I even felt angrier. I could punch everything around me but I had to find Zoey. I cursed in my thickest accent a few things before I ran out of the open door.

I looked around. Where could she be? I decided to go left and jogged down the streets.

I was walking for about 15 minutes when I reached a park. And then I saw her. Sitting on a swing, looking so… lost. I walked over to her and when she saw me, she stood up and ran to me. She jumped in my Arms and cried on my shoulder. “Shh it’s okay” I mumbled. She held onto me like I could save her life.

After a while we sat on the swings. I decided that I could do it now.

“Zo..? I have to talk to ya” I said. She went pale and her eyes wide. I realized that it was sounding like I was going to break with her. “Don’t worry it is nothing bad” I quickly said. She nodded unsure and I continued. “Zo, I know that we don’t know each other for a long time but I am completely in love with you. You are my girl and I can’t imagine living without you” She blushed and looked so cute that I didn’t want anything more than kiss her.

“You completely changed me” I said and smiled at her. “I will be always there for ya” I said.

I could feel my Hands get sweaty. Come on Niall, you have made it so far already, you will make the rest.

I stood up from the swing and walked in front of her. I fell on one knee and she gasped.

“Zoey, I love you more than anything will you become my wife” I asked her and looked at her.

She seemed completely in shock and I got more nervous every second that went by without a word from her.

What felt like years later, she finally spoke up.

“Yes Niall” she whispered and I never so happy about that simple word. This was even better than coming through at the X-Factor auditions. I smiled and stood up. Zoey kissed me as soon as I was in her reach and I kissed her back.

After a while I grabbed her Hand and slid the simple ring over her finger. When she saw it she smiled widely at me.

“I showed you that ring” she whispered and looked up at me. I nodded and she smiled again.

“Just promise me one thing princess” I said and she looked at me. She nodded unsure and I continued. “Don’t look at all the hate again yeah?”

She looked down but nodded. I lifted her chin up so she had to look me in the eyes.

“I promise” she whispered. I gave her a light kiss on the nose and we began to walk back to Liam’s house. While we walked Hand in Hand she looked at her ring, a big smile in her face.

~AN: Dedication to @heart_it <3 You are my little sister and my inspiration ! Love you :*~

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