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>>Nialls POV<<

“What the Hell took you so long?“ Louis screamed when I ran down the corridor to the boys.

“We had to drive here from the other side of the city” I said and looked around. Harry hasn’t really said anything since he received the call. He also hadn’t really explained what was going on. Just that we should come back immediately because of something with Zoey. They were all standing in front of a Door I recognized as Zoeys room.

“What happened?” I asked and looked in their faces. Louis looked to the ground but he was very pale. Zayn was standing on the wall holding tightly on the corner. Liam looked to Harry at the Moment, looking a bit confused. Harry mumbled “I couldn’t tell him” and looked to the ground. Tell me what?

I looked at Liam and he began. “Zoey came to our room, crying and searching for you. When she didn’t find you we told her were you’ve gone and she said “I am sorry” Then she ran away and closed the door.” He looked at me. Zoey had tried to call me… And I clicked her away! I turned around and began pounding at the door. “That is not working, I’ve tried that for 20 minutes” Zayn mumbled, tears in his eyes. I kicked and punched the Door but it wasn’t moving. Not a single bit.

“Maybe she is just asleep…?” Harry said and I thought about that. “I don’t think that, why would she say sorry then?! Zayn asked from behind me. “Niall don’t you have a room key?” Harry asked.

I do! I grabbed my pockets but they were empty. Shit I bet I had laid it on the shelf beside the Door in Zoeys room. Now that I thought about it, I could see it, how it lays there. “I left it in her room” I mumbled. I could slap myself.

“I’ll go get somebody with a master key” Liam mumbled and ran down the corridor.

“Niall” Louis behind me mumbled and I turned around. He looked shocked. “What?” I asked.

“The Day uum when we fooled around and she fell… Did she… Did she have cuts on her stomach…?” He asked and his voice was shaking. There was a simple answer. Yes. I had just caught her earlier. But she wouldn’t end it would she? If she had done anything it was my fault!

“Niall?” Harry asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.

“She… she cuts” I said and my voice became a bit higher. “She did it today…that’s why we had a fight” I said quiet and Tears streamed down my face. The boys looked very shocked.

“How long does it take to die because of cuts?” Louis asked with shaky voice. I didn’t want to think about that, but Zayn mumbled “Minutes”.

I heard steps coming down the corridor and looked in the Direction.

Liam came running down the corridor, a girl running next to him. She was obviously an employee, even though she wasn’t older than us. She had a master key in her hand and long brown hair.

She looked pretty shocked but I think we all do. As she walked to the door, I quickly glanced at her Name tag. Paytience. What a strange name… She opened the Door and we all stormed inside.

The light in the Bedroom was turned off and for a second I thought that she was just sleeping.

But when Liam turned the lights on the room was empty.

We all looked around. Her purse was here, so were all her other things.

“Bo-Boys” Harry stuttered and pointed to the bathroom door. We all rushed to the Door. I took one deep breath afraid of what I maybe would find on the other side. Then I tried to open it. But it was locked. We all looked at Paytience.

She looked shocked and mumbled: “We don’t have a key for the bathrooms, sorry” She had tears in her eyes as well.

The Boys and I looked at each other before we all began to kick the Door.

After what felt like years the door opened. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

“ZOEY” I cried out and fell to my knees. She laid in a bathtub full of blood, cuts all over her arms.

I finally snapped back to reality and began to move. I ran to Zoey and lifted her out of the red water. Her once grey underwear was dark red and her arms looked like a battlefield. I held her in my Arms while I couldn’t see properly because of all the Tears.

She was so cold and her skin looked pale. The simple golden ring I had given her was glowing on her Hand. I searched for a pulse, but I couldn’t find one. No! She can’t leave me! I love her so much!

“Zo, baby. I mumbled. "Please princess come back to me, I need you! You can’t leave me alone! I just found you!” I cried and looked at her beautiful face.

I glanced behind me and looked at the others.

Liam talked to 911, Zayn just stood there, tears streaming down his face and looking in her direction in shock. Louis cried and whipped back and forth. Harry mumbled “what” again and again while Paytience looked like she was about to throw up.

I turned back to Zoey. I wrapped her in one of the big towels and kissed her on the top of her head.

Liam rushed beside me and touched my shoulder. He had tears in his eyes as well.

“Ni” he croaked and looked down. “They are coming as fast as they can”

I looked down at the girl I loved most in the world and mumbled “You’ll make it” in her ear. She had to. My tears dripped on her face and kissed them away. I held her close and sat like that what felt like years. Just her lifeless body in my arms, me quietly singing more than this.

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