23~Decisions Decisions

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>>Zoeys POV<<

We walked in my Room and Perrie was already at my wardrobe. I stood there and looked at her. Why can't I be as beautiful as she is? Even with the small bump she was stunning it was like she was getting more beautiful everyday she was pregnant. She looks so stunning and I... well I am not. Perries voice got me out of my thoughts. "Helooo-ooo? Zo? Somebody's there? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I uum I don't know" I stuttered and Perrie stopped her movements and walked over to me. She embraced me in a tight hug and I felt loved. What a strange feeling. "Let's get you ready yeah?" I nodded and she shoved me in my bathroom after she handed me my underwear. I showered and the shampoo burned like hell in my fresh cuts. When I had finished everything I quickly dried myself and put on my underwear. After that I walked back in my room. Perrie was nowhere to be seen but there were clothes lying on my bed. I walked over there and had a closer look at it. A skinny blue jean and a tight grey top with lace at the sleeves. Combined with my grey high heels this will look perfect, Perrie really has a good taste. But where is she ...? "Perrie..?" I shouted. No answer. I walked to my living room and stopped when I heard strange noises from my kitchen. I walked to the door and glanced inside the room. Perrie was standing above my sink, throwing up. "Oh Per!" I said and quickly walked beside her. "Sorry...you...were...in the...bath" she said in-between throwing up her breakfast. "No prob gurl" I said and rubbed her back. When she finished I gave her a new toothbrush and she disappeared in my bath. I remembered what I wanted to say and when she came back I hugged her. She hugged me back and said: "What is that for?" "For everything. Your good fashion taste and for being my friend" I replied. Perrie chuckled and squeezed me one last time before letting me go. "So Zo what about your make-up?" I nodded and Perrie shoved me to a chair. I sat down and Perrie began to do my make-up.

After what felt like years, Perrie finally said "Finished" I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw in the Mirror Perrie was holding, were my eyes. I had Smokey eyes and long lashes. My skin was looking like there was not a single mistake and my lips were full and in a shade of pink. "Oh Perrie! You are a miracle worker!" and I hugged her tight. She chuckled and grabbed a brush. After she'd taken my hair to an elegant high ponytail she patterned my back and I stood up. "You are looking beautiful Zo! Niall won't take his eyes off you" she giggled. I smiled and my doorbell rang. "I'll go after you two drove off" Perrie said and winked. I blushed and grabbed my bag on the way to my front door. I opened it and Niall was standing in front of me, wearing grey chinos and a white shirt with a jacket. "Hey Ni" I said and walked out of my flat to Niall. "Hello love" he said and hugged me tight. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we walked outside. He opened my door and quickly walked around the car to his own door. He sat down and started the engine.

"So Ni where are we going?" I asked him. Niall just smirked and looked on the road. Hmpf.

After about half an hour the car finally stopped. Outside it was really dark but I was pretty sure that we weren't in London anymore. When Niall stood of the car and opened my door I knew definitely that this wasn't London anymore because I could hear the Sea. My mouth fell open and Niall chuckled. "Wait here for about 5 minute's okay love?" Niall asked me and I nodded. Niall walked off and I just enjoyed the salty wind in my hair and the smell of the sea. When I glanced at my clock after a while, it was already 8 minutes later. Uuuuupps. I quickly walked into the direction Niall disappeared and was stunned.

In front of me was a huge beach with candles. Niall was sitting in the sand beside a hammock and was holding a guitar. When he saw me he had a huge smile on his face. "Thought you were gone" he chuckled. Gone? It is dark and I don't have a clue where I am. So why the Hell would I leave? But instead of asking him questions like this I just giggled and walked over to him and sat in the hammock. He locked eyes with me and began to sing.

After the first verse I knew what he was singing. Story of my life. I smiled as he just looked at me and sang the song just for me. When he came to the end, he stood up and stood in front of me. He strummed the last note and put the guitar in the sand. I stood up and Niall smiled at me.

"Zo... I know I am not knowing you for that long but you stole my heart. I know life isn't easy for you but I want to help you. I want to fix you. Because you are fixing me. I felt so lonely in-between all the boys with their girlfriends or Harry who just had all the attention from every girl. But with you I feel complete. So will you please be my girlfriend?" Niall said , his Eyes not leaving mine for a second. That was probably the cutest thing somebody ever said to me. No not probably it was the cutest thing. I felt tears stream down my face and I saw Nialls shocked expression. But before he could say anything I spoke up.

"Yes Niall. I would love to. That was the best thing somebody has ever said to me. Thank you" I choked and hugged him tight. Niall chuckled and hugged me back. When he pulled away I gathered all my courage and kissed him on the lips. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he kissed me back.

After we pulled away from each other breathlessly Niall grabbed me by the waist and smiled. "You are making me so Happy Zo" Niall mumbled in my Hair. We stood like this for a while until we decided to head back. So we walked to the car and drove back to London. When he pulled up at my flat I asked him if he wants to come inside and he said yes. We decided to watch a bit TV and eat a bit so Niall sat in front of the TV while I wanted to surprise him. I grabbed my Mug I bought back in Germany. At the bottom of the mug you can put a candle and above the candle the mug works as a fondue. So I melted chocolate and cut a few pieces of strawberry's, bananas and other fruits. I walked back to the living room and when Niall saw what I did his face lit up.

We sat there, eating chocolate fruits what felt like forever until we heard Nialls Name from the TV

"Niall Horan, Member of one direction was seen with this mysterious girl yesterday morning, leaving her flat in London. He grabbed her waist protectively and they seemed familiar with each other. Maybe Niall has finally found his princess? We will watch it! Now the ..."

Niall looked at me and I looked at Niall. "Ni what will you say in your next interview?" I asked him. His eyes softened and he grabbed my chin. "I will say whatever you want love. If you want us publicity yet I can say it and tell everyone that you're mine. But I can also the completely opposite Zo." I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. "Thanks" I mumbled and kissed him. We just cuddled a bit until he spoke up again. " So Zo how will you decide love?" Niall asked me while he kissed my Temple.

Yeah how will I decide?

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