14~Prank Call

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>>Louis POV<<

What the hell was that? When we came back we all agreed that she will be staying with us. But now she is on the Way home. Perrie does not even know what the Doctor has told us! I also saw that the Fight with Zayn was painful for her. She held onto her side and had very short breathing. The Fight!

“Mate, what was that all about?” I asked Zayn.

“I’ve made a Mistake...” he whispered.

“Zayn could you go a bit more into detail? Please?” Niall said from the other couch. Zayn was currently sitting on the biggest couch with his Head in his Hands. He sat like that since Zoey left. Harry was acting weird. He was not looking any of us in the Eyes. Oh I knew this Look. He was hiding something!

“I have told Perrie that I don’t want it and that it will destroy our bands and life and everything. Gosh I am so stupid!”

What was he talking about? What did he not want?

“What are you not wanting Zayn?” Niall spoke out what I was thinking.

We could barely understand Zayn but I think we all got what he said: “The Baby”


After I was sitting in Liams Car and I had given him my address I saw a Mc Donalds.

“Li can we please stop there I’ll get a few things for Perrie…” I spoke up.

“Course” he responded.

After I got Ice Cream and a lot of food like Chicken Mc Nuggets or Big Macs, we drove to my flat.

When we arrived I thanked Liam and stepped out of the car.

I was about to reach the Door when I heard a door open behind me.Liam stepped out of the Car and walked to me.

“I forgot to give you the guys numbers.” He smiled at me. ”Would you give me yours now Zo?”

“Course” and with that I told him my number and he told me the boys numbers.

As we hugged each other I had an idea. “Li do you think it would be funny if I write one of the Boys and act like the number was leaked?” I asked him with a devilish smile on my face.

Liam seemed deep in thought I guess he was not called Daddy Direction for no Reason.

“I guess that’s  okay Zo… Do you know who of them you wanna prank?” he asked me curiously.

“I think Harry or Lou“, and I smiled at him. He hugged me again and he drove off.

I quickly walked to my flat and opened the Door. I took off my Shoes and walked into my living Room the Mc Donald Bags stll in my Hands.

“Zoey!” Perrie exclaimed. I put the Bags on my coffee table and hugged her tightly.

We snuggled up in blankets and decided to watch a film. I put   ~The Hunger Games~ in my DVD Player and we ate while we watched the film. Later that Night I told Perrie about my Prank Call idea.

Although she was still sad about Zayn , she got excited. We decided to prank Louis since he was calling himself the “Sass-Master”.

I dialed his number and put my Phone on Speaker.

“Hello?” Louis answered his phone. He sounded a bit tired but I could still hear the others in the Background.

I decided to fangirl.

OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I can’t believe this is the real Louis Tomilnson! OMG I am so exited! Can you follow me on twitter?” I squealed in my phone and had to hold back laughter. Perrie besides me was giggling and had tears in her eyes but we both went silent for his answer.

“Who is this? And how did you get my number?”  He sounded confused and angry.

I am your biggest fan Louis! This is so exiting I have to tweet about it!” I said and I knew he would try to stop this. Nobody wants to get his number leaked and be called by nearly the whole world.

What no! Stop! Eeerm Hello there as well how are you love?” Oh wow what a change…

Louis I love you so much I can’t believe that this is happening! I didn’t thought that the number Harry tweeted was really your number! I believed he pranked us all!” I giggled in my mobile. I decided to prank them both.

“HARRY DID WHAT?!” Louis screamed from the phone. Perrie and I were laughing and I held the phone a bit away so he couldn’t hear us.

“Harry come here! NOW!”

“What is it?” we heard Harry.

“Why are you leaking my number on twitter?”

“I am leaking your number on twitter? Louis I would never do that especially after my number was leaked you know that! And if you are not believing me check my tweets! Anyways why are you even thinking that I’ve leaked your number?

“There is this girl I don’t know her and she is fangirling! And she said that she had my number because you have posted it…” Louis was whispering but over the speaker we could still hear him.

But then I heard something over the Speaker that I haven’t expected.

“I bet this Zoey has leaked your number Louis! I knew that we couldn’t trust her!” Ouch Zayn that hurt. Perrie next to me tensed when she heard him and grabbed my phone.

“LOUIS?” she screamed in the phone.

They all went silent and then Louis answered.

“Uuum yes could you now please tell me from where you have my number?”

“Louis this is Perrie. We were just having a bit fun and we were pranking you and Harry, but Zayn is so wrong! Zo would never do that! She is the one who is sitting here and eats ice cream with me and not Zayn! So sorry for having fun and tell Zayn he is a Dick! Bye Lou” And with that she hung up. Oh wow I didn’t expect that from her! It was so cute what she has said.

“Thanks Perrie” and I smiled to her.

“No problem Zo. It was fun to call Louis. Your fan voice is amazing!”

“Haha thanks Perr. So what has he said?”

She immediately looked sad.

“He said that it would destroy everything and that I should abort it” Oh Zayn is so stupid! How could he say that?

“It is going to be alright Perrie” I tried to comfort her. “You can stay here as long as you want but you should tell the Girls”

“Yeah you’re right Zo I’ll do that tomorrow…”

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