Chapter 1

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I sat motionless in front of my vanity mirror; all I could see was a broken girl trying to be something she wasn't. There was so much I wanted to change. My nose was way too big, my eyes were too far apart and my hair was dead and dry.
"Is everything okay babe?" Noah asked, stepping slowly into the room.
"Yeah! Um... Just uh... Thinking." I replied abruptly, I think I was too abrupt though as he became a little bit startled and stepped back.
"About what?" He was so inquisitive; it got awfully frustrating sometimes.
"Um just... What I'm going to wear to dinner." I hoped that he believed that.
"Okay, well I'll be downstairs if you need anything."
"Uh huh, yeah thanks." Then he finally left.

Noah and I had been together for almost a year. It was the longest year of my life, but I felt he was the only person who would love me. I was just this ugly, broken girl that nobody wanted to deal with.

I finally finished getting ready; I decided to wear a black floral V neck cami dress paired with my black block heal Chelsea boots. Even though I felt like I was overly exposed and that everything was spilling out of every opening and I wanted to change for the 18th time that night.. it was time to go and I had already made everybody late.
"You look gorgeous." Noah whispered as I walked past him.
"Thank you." I said trying to be polite. Sydney, my little sister, pointed at Noah with her oak eyes and rolled them which made us both giggle. Noah was hopping around like a mad man because our cat Milly was rubbing herself against his leg, he hated cats, we were never entirely sure why though. Everybody started to pile into the cars and I had to take a moment; I eventually gathered enough courage to leave the house and before I knew it we were already half way to the restaurant.
Not that long of a chapter but we are just getting started.

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