Chapter 3

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The next morning I took the phone and unlocked it. I tapped on the app with the phone on it and dialled my number. It rang few times.
"Hello?" A deep voice said.
"Hi this is Aspen, I bumped into you at Giovanni's last night and I think we mixed our phones up."
"Yes I'm 'flowers' I bumped into you, we both dropped our phones and obviously mixed them up."
"Flowers! How are you?" He exclaimed
"Not that great to be honest."
"Because some stranger has my phone and I need it back! That's why!"
"Oh yeah." He chuckled.
"When and where can you meet me to exchange our phones?"
"Well how about outside Giovanni's in about an hour?"
"Perfect, I'll see you then."

I got there about 15 minutes early. The morning summer breeze kissed my cheeks, and lightly lifted my short auburn curls off my face. I sat with my journal and wrote some of my thoughts to make me feel calm.
Tyler finally showed up.
"Hello flowers."
"Brown eyes." I remarked.
"Cute nickname"
"Hmm... Well can I have my phone now?"
"Of course." He said handing over my phone. I passed him his. I sat back down at the coffee table outside. Tyler came and sat opposite me, examining me with his big dark eyes. I looked up and raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry just... You're very beautiful."
"Umm... Thank you."
"How old are you?" He asked.
"I'm 20!"
"Good for you sweetie." I said sarcastically. That was the most confident I had ever felt. I'm not sure why but he made me feel calm and cool.
"Hey how about..." He began. Is he going to ask me on a date? Me of all people?
"You text me sometime and we can arrange to meet again?" Oh my gosh. This is crazy! I can't wait to tell Sydney!
"Sure" I said. He stood up and slid his hands into the pockets of his black skinny jeans.
"Okay well I'll see you soon flowers" he added before walking away. I sat there for another half an hour just writing my thoughts and doodling.
I couldn't believe he was actually interested in me.

I came through the front door and Sydney was sitting on the stairs crying.
"Oh my god what's happened?" I asked
"Please don't be mad."
"Why would I ever be mad at you? Come on tell me sweetie."
"He, he, he raped me." She sobbed.
"What! Who!?" I yelled.
"N N Noah." My whole body cringed. I looked to the top of the stairs and there he was looking as shocked as me. I wanted to throw him down the stairs along with his disgusting face.
"What the fuck Noah! Why would you do that to her? You aren't normal! Get out now! Get the fuck out!" I screamed. He ran swiftly down the stairs and grabbed my hand. "Don't touch me."
"No it's not like that, you have to believe me. I wouldn't do that to her." He pleaded.
"You raped my sister you scum bag!" I yelled. "Now get the fuck out!"
"Please Aspen."
"I won't tell you again." I snapped through gritted teeth. He left and drove away.

"I'm so sorry Sydney." I grabbed my phone and called the police straight away.

Hope you're enjoying the story. I promise more Tyler to come.


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