Chapter 19

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I was surrounded by surgeons; they were moving around so quickly. There was a bright light above me, blinding me. I'd lost so much blood and I was ready to let go.
I closed my eyes and saw my dad standing in front of me.
He took me back to when I was a kid. Him and I at the park climbing trees. I looked so happy; what happened?
My mind suddenly went to Tyler. We were on the tour bus; he was on one knee and everything had slowed down.

Everything went black.

I saw a light. My dad was standing there next my grandparents. Was this it? Was this heaven?

I got pulled back into reality and I was back in the operating theatre. A surge of electricity passed through my body. Everybody cheered as the machine detected a steady heartbeat. I was taken into the recovery room. I was so tired of feeling: alone, unwanted and unloved. I wish3; they never brought me back, I wanted to let go.
I laid there still trying to forget about that night but the memory was seared into my brain. Tyler walked in slowly and stood by the door just staring at me.
"I... Uh.... There...." I tried to string a sentence together but I was numb with pain.... Mental pain and heartbreak.
"Aspen you don't need to say anything." I wanted to get up and hold him and never let go again but I couldn't move.
"I can't forget about that night. I don't know what came over me, I just love you so much and I didn't want anyone else to have you." He came closer to me and sat on the end of the bed placing his hand on my shin.
"I don't know why I went for another girl. You just hardly text me and I felt like I couldn't be alone." He started to cry. "I don't care you slept with Josh." I reached my hand out and put it on his. It felt like no time had passed.
The moment was almost perfect until Josh burst into the room.
"Aspen! Don't go back to him!" He yelled running over to me. He grabbed me by my waist and I screamed in pain. He dropped me instantly.
"What the hell Josh! Be careful!" Tyler yelled. I lead hanging off the bed in agonising pain. Josh just stared at me. Tyler carefully picked me up and put me on my side. He just looked into my eyes.
"You have sad eyes." He said painfully laughing. I couldn't speak and I realised it was my time. I took his hand and squeezed it gently.

The machine flat lined. I had let go.

He kissed my head softly.
"Goodnight my princess." He whispered standing up and walking away.

I'm with my dad up in heaven now. Watching over my prince.

Short but sad ending.
I will probably write another story but I felt like it was time for this one to end.

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