Chapter 11

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It was nearly time to go on tour. It had been nearly a month since my argument with Sydney, I had hardly spoken to her. I hadn't told any of my family that I was going on tour and I hadn't told anyone apart from Tyler about what Sydney did. Even though what she did was wrong and an partially innocent man went to prison, she was still my sister and I never betrayed family.
Tyler and I had become extremely close; I went to a lot of his shows and helped him with his song writing. He said that a lot of the songs in his new album were based on me. I spent most of my time at his place; playing Mario kart, baking, writing songs, goofing around and even playing the drums with Josh. Surprisingly Josh and I became friends quite quickly and just clicked on the spot.
His free spirit and careless nature made anybody he talked to just light up with happiness.

I needed to tell my mum that I was going on tour for 8 months. I knew she wouldn't take it very well and would tell Sydney who would take it even worse.
The day had come; I was going home and I was going to tell my mum that in a weeks time I would be on the road travelling around the world.
I walked into my house, it felt familiar but I no longer felt welcome. The air smelt different; I guess I remembered it as a sad smell where I left all of my problems.
"Where have you been?" Sydney asked. I just ignored her and continued to look for my mum.
I finally found her in my bedroom folding some laundry.
"Hey mum." I said shyly.
"Oh hello stranger." She said in an unsettlingly happy tone.
"I just wanted to let you know.... Tyler invited me on tour with him." I braced myself for a tsunami of emotions; first anger, then sadness, then disappointment and finally happiness that I'm doing something with my life. When I didn't hear any shouting I became quite confused and looked at my mum frowning.
"Well mum....?"
"Well what? What do you want me to say?"
"I don't know normally you shout at me."
"Aspen you're 19, you can do what you want. When will you be back?"
"In 8 months." Once again I took a step back and prepared myself for the screaming but yet again there was nothing.
"Well have fun dear, don't forget to text everyday." I was so surprised at my mums reactions; I was worried and excited all at the same time.
No surprise Sydney was at the door listening.
"Seriously!? You're just going to pick up and leave us all for 8 months!?" She yelled.
"Seriously Sydney just shut up!" I yelled back.
"I can't believe you Aspen. After everything I've been through you are seriously just going to go on tour with a guy you've known 3 months."
"After everything you've been through? You've been through nothing except the trouble of having to keep up this little charade just to protect yourself!" My mum looked at both of us extremely confused.
"Are you gonna tell her or are you going to lie some more? You're doing a pretty good job so far." I said. Sydney finally explained to my mum that she is a little fake and she was never raped. My mum just stood there completely shocked, not able to move. After about 3 minutes she just shook her head in disappointment and left the room.
"Well you've managed to disappoint everybody in this house congratulations." I pushed Sydney out of my room and slammed the door in her face.
I grabbed my large black shell suitcase, 2 Nike duffle bags and started to fill them with clothes. After everything that had happened I really needed to get away.
*ring ring*
It's Tyler.
"Hey sweetie how's it going?" I asked in a sweet high pitched voice (my phone voice).
"Yeah it's going good was just wondering how it went."
"My mum took it really well but Sydney ruined everything as always."
"Don't get yourself down about it okay." He said trying to reassure me that my stupid little sister really wasn't worth me getting upset.
"Okay, well I'm pretty much packed so..."
"So.... do you wanna go to the pier and eat hot doughnuts?" He knew that was my favourite thing in the whole world and it always made me feel better.
"Of course I do! Don't ask silly questions. I'll meet you there." I hung up the phone and took my bags to the car.
My mum was at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. I slowly tip toed into the kitchen and held her shoulders tight.
"Hey mum I know it's upsetting but don't beat yourself up okay." She turned and looked at me; giving me a sad smile.
"I was there for her. I helped put that man in prison." She sobbed.
"You didn't know." I whispered.
"I know."
"I love you mum."
"I love you too Aspen. I'm so proud of the young woman you have become." I pulled my mum close to me and we cried together. This moment lasted a few minutes until Sydney came strutting into the kitchen and started clunking around 'making lunch' when it was only 11:23am.
"Im sorry mum I really have to go." I kissed my mum on the cheek and walked out of the house leaving all my problems behind me. Just as I closed the car door I got a text.
'Don't forget my post cards xox' I responded quickly.
'Oh Mumma I'll get you a post card from every place we go xox' I started the car and pulled out of the drive way.
I looked up and I saw Sydney looking out of my bedroom window flipping me off as I drove away.

There's been a lot of conflict lately 😁 hopefully it will all mellow out soon

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