Chapter 15

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I stood there just staring at Tyler. His expression slowly went from happy to disappointed when he realised I was standing there frozen.
So many thoughts went through my head: our  arguments, me constantly pushing him away, my crazy family but finally I thought about how he made me feel so loved and always managed to make me smile.
"Tyler Robert Joseph of course I will marry you."
Tyler slowly pushed the ring down my finger and I got down to his level. I looked him straight in the eye.. I leaned in and kissed him. We were both crying tears of joy; I stroked his cheek wiping away his tears with my thumb.
We walked out of the room and announced our engagement. Everyone cheered and we celebrated with redbull.
Josh didn't seem very impressed by the announcement and didn't really speak to any of us the whole way to the airport.

Well we had landed in New Mexico and the first show was at this famous club so that was going to be fun. We were getting a hotel that night because the bus hadn't arrived yet.
I walked over to Josh's room and knocked on the door. He didn't answer straight away but when he did he didn't seem too impressed with my presence.
"Josh what's wrong?"
"Why did you choose him?" He asked before throwing his phone onto the couch. I turned around and look at him with a puzzled look on my face.
"What do you mean Josh?"
"What I mean is why did you go for Tyler?"
"Because I love Tyler, he makes me feel like I have nothing to worry about, like I have a purpose in life. Why do you care?"
"Because..." He sighed looking at the ground. "Because I love you Aspen." I couldn't believe what he had just said. One of my closest friends had just told me he loved me. I didn't know what to do.
"Josh... You can't... Tyler is your best friend and I'm his fiancée. I'm sorry but I only like you as a friend and I love you like a brother."
He bit his top lip and stroked his beard; he came closer to me but I stepped away.
"Josh I won't tell Tyler what you said but you need to bury those feelings and never mention them again."
"Okay I'm sorry." I left the room and slammed the door behind me.
When I got back to my room Tyler asked what was the matter - I had to lie.
"Oh he is just feeling a little bit homesick."
"Huh that's not like him."
"Well that's what it is." I said quickly.
"Maybe I should go and see him."
"No!" I snapped very abruptly.
"Why not?" He asked frowning.
"No he just wants to be alone."
"Right Pen what's actually going on?"
"Nothing." I said in a high pitched voice.
"Pen?" He insisted.
"Fine but don't be mad at him, or tell him I told you."
"Okay I promise." He said, crossing his heart with his finger.
"He is in love with me." I said very quickly.
"Josh is in lo-"
"No I heard you the first time. What the heck!"
"Tyler you said you wouldn't get mad." I said jumping in front of him as he headed for the door. He pushed me out of the way and I fell to the ground hitting my head on the bedside table as I went... he didn't even notice.
I didn't know what exactly was happening but it was loud and sounded violent. My head really hurt, I put my hand on the part of my head that hurt when I looked at my hand it was covered in blood. I was becoming really tired; I could barely keep my eyes open. Just before I passed out Tyler came back in with blood spattered over his shirt. He looked like a monster. As soon as he noticed me on the floor his expression softened and I could see guilt in his eyes.
He ran into the bathroom and came out with a damp towel; he came and sat next to me and cleaned me up. I still had blood in my hair and on my clothes but the gash in my head wasn't bleeding as much.
Tyler change; his clothes and ran me a hot bath. I could barely hold my head up so he helped me into the bath.
He sat next to the bath and poured water over my head to get the blood out. I looked at him and he stroked my cheek with his thumb then pushed my hair behind my ears; he leaned in slowly and gently kissed me. I closed my eyes and all I could imagine was his face when he came back into the room. I pulled myself away quickly and pushed him away from me. I got out of the bath, put my robe on and ran to Josh's hotel room. I opened the door and he was on the floor knocked out covered in blood.
I didn't know Tyler was capable of something like that. I just got down to the floor and cried. How could he do this?

I know I didn't think Tyler was like this but there is another side to him that nobody knows about

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