Chapter 2

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Sam's P.O.V

Ms. Hall called everyone downstairs for breakfast early. When everyone was downstairs I went on youtube and watched Jack's newest video.

"TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES! My name is Jacksepticeye and I just wanted to let you guys know that my videos probably won't be regular tomorrow. I am very sorry but, after that everything will be normal. Now back to HAPPY WHEELS!" Jack said.

I barely got through half the video when Ms. Hall came upstairs and told me to get ready for interviews. I hated interviews. Everyone dressed all nice and pretty, but I honestly didn't care.

I decided to wear my 'Booper Dooper' sweatshirt, my cut jeans, and my galaxy vans. I wasn't sure whether to put my hair up or in a braid. After about five minutes I decided to put my hair in a braid and wear my black beanie.

After I got ready, I went downstairs and got in my age line, 10 to 15 year olds. There were about five girls and four boys in my age group.

Jack's P.O.V

So many boys and girls came in and out of the interviewing room. Frankly, none of them seemed really friendly or fun. I know that sounds rude, but I didn't really see anything special in any of them.

Then Ms. Hall told me that there was one more left in the age group. Her name was Sam and she is eleven years old.

Sam's P.O.V

About an hour and a half later, I finally got my chance to be interviewed. Before I got to the room  a girl named Alyssa grabbed my arm. Alyssa is a total bitch. Sorry, but it's true.

"Listen, freak" Alyssa spat. "You know god damn well that you will never get adopted so I don't know why you even try. You should just give up." I looked at Alyssa, trying not to let a tear escape my eye. She walked away and I was about to go in the room. I couldn't do it so, I ran away.

Jack's P.O.V

After about five minutes Sam didn't come in the room, but Ms. Hall did.

She told me that she was sorry and Sam was not coming to be interviewed.

Sam's P.O.V

I didn't run away from the orphanage. However, ran outside and sat on the bench, crying with my face in my hands. However, when I was crying I felt someone's hand on my back trying to calm me. I carefully picked up my head to look who it was. It was young man hair? All I could do was stare at him. This was my idol, Jacksepticeye.

He smiled at me and said "Hi. Are you ok?" "Um...Yes." I sniffled. "What is your name?" he asked. "Um....Sam." I responded quietly. "Wait. You wouldn't happen to live here, would you?" He asked. "Yeah, I do live here. I've lived here for four years." I said. "I'm pretty sure you still owe me an interview." He smiled.

Was this a dream come true. I am sitting next to Jacksepticeye! Wait, let me rephrase myself. I am sitting next to JACKSEPTICEYE! Also, he wants to interview ME to be his DAUGHTER!? Please someone pinch me.

Jack's P.O.V

I could tell that Sam knew who I was. Not just because she was just blankly staring at me, but also because she was wearing some of my merch.

I wanted to know why she was crying, but I didn't want to push her to tell me. She seemed like a sweet little girl so I really wanted her to have a second chance and a better life.

[After the Interview]
[Still Jack's P.O.V]

"She's perfect." I said to Ms. Hall. "Ok, I'll tell her to go get her things." She said.

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you guys liked it. In case you didn't figure it out already tje picture at the top is what Sam is wearing.
Q: Do you like the longer chapters?
Scömíche {Sam}

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