Chapter One

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Chapter One

I let out an exhausted sigh as I entered first period which was Science. Don't get me wrong, I love that subject. It's just that I'll be sharing it once again with none other than the devil's spawn. Most people my grade find this subject a bore but I thought otherwise; I find it the most interesting. I just love all that Kinetic energy things and shit.

I spot my usual seat which was located at the back of the class. I made a beeline as I tossed my backpack next to the chair and then I sat there in silence, observing my surrounding as I thought wow I have no friends.

This is pathetic. Since when did I cared about my nonexistent social life? There are better things to think about like food for example. Which reminds me, I had brought some.

I bent down to get the granola bars that I had packed earlier from my backpack when out of the sudden, I felt something hard smack the back of my head.

"Son of a-!" I shrieked in pain before I stopped mid sentences when my eyes landed on Satan's minion himself who was smirking whilst bouncing a basketball in his hands which I suppose  was the object that had hit my head.

"Oops!" Justin said, hiding a mischievous smile. "I thought you were a post or something,"

His friends laughed.

Um, did I miss something? I don't get it, what was so funny about what he said?

"I don't know what's sadder, your face or your friends lacking sense of humor," I said in nonchalance.

"Hmm...probably you missing puberty," He said. His friends erupted in laughter again.

I rolled my eyes and began devouring my granola bar. These airheads don't even deserve a fraction of my energy. Why would I waste my precious time over a petty argument.

"Little Nerdy's getting mad," Justin teased and I shot him a glare. Seriously boy? Please leave.

He tried teasing again, upon realizing he failed, he snatched the granola bar that I was peacefully eating and brought it all to his mouth. Eating it like a cannibal that he is. 

I stood up from my seat in fury. "At least I don't go hoeing around the campus getting every STD!" I spat at him and suddenly the whole room dropped in silence.

If looks could kill, I was already dead and chopped in 1x1 pieces. Justin was looking at me with anger and I was afraid he might swallow me in whole the same way he did to my granola bar.

Justin was about to say something but Mr. Jacobsen, our Science Teacher, entered the doorway announcing "Get back to your seats!"

I sat with grace unlike Justin who threw his ball down violently, earning a warning look from Mr. Jacobsen. I could tell that he was pissed. As you can see, Justin had a reputation at school. As cliché this may sound, he was the school's Popular Guy. He was a Playboy and everyone feared him. He was probably taken back by me- a nerd, for spitting him back with an attitude. Well, sorry but not everyone kisses your ass, Bieber.

Since Freshmen year, me and Justin had been sharing the same classes unfortunately. He was always worshipped like he was some god or something. All the girls wanted to be with him and boys wanted to be him. I, however, loathe him with such passion. He was an ass, a douchebag, and a complete narcissist. I despised guys like him. I didn't even get why everyone liked him. Like, he doesn't shit gold.


Class ended and I went to my locker immediately to drop all my textbooks and folders. Carrying all those things in my backpack made me look like a hunchback and the last thing I wanted that year was to be known as the 'Campus's Hunchbacked Nerd'. Well, yeah I get it- I was a nerd. I wore glasses, I still had braces, and I got straight A's.


I don't get why people put these so called "classifications" in High School. I mean, that is so 80's. I wore glasses because I was too broke to own contact lenses. I had braces because my teethes weren't as straight as Bruce Jenner no more. And I got A's because I yearned to study in Dartmouth. A prestigious school that I had been dreaming to be since I was younger.

"Miley!" A voice boomed, causing me to drop the last textbook I was about to put inside my locker. "Oh! Sorry I startled you!"

"It's okay, Selly." I smiled at my friend Selena. My only friend.

"I just got ecstatic about the cafeteria serving tacos and burritos today," she said in excitement.

"Oh," I managed to say. Too bad I'm not really into those. See my friend Selena here is a Mexican. She sometimes speaks to me in Spanish and when she does, I tell her to shut the hell up because the only thing I understand in Spanish is "bueno"- credits to Dora the Explorer. Our relationship was just weird like that. She'd go to Taco Bell every Tuesdays and Thursdays and I kid you not, all the Taco Bell staffs here in our town knows her.

As we walked, people greeted Selena. It's not like it was her birthday, it was just that she was somewhat 'Popular'. Aside from her exotic Latina beauty, Selena was the head cheerleader and she had been participating in a lot of school activities lately. Unlike me. The only thing I did was eat, read, shit, and eat again. I know, my life was remarkable like that. Note the sarcasm.

As we made a left to where the cafeteria was located, I saw Justin gave her a wink. Selena blushed and I laughed.

"What?" Selena asked me, still blushing.

"He's just disgusting that's all," I replied.

Selena rolled her eyes at me as we went up in line with our trays. The smell of freshly made tacos and burritos caused my stomach to grumble.

"I mean he's fine," Selena started to say.

"What, the tacos?" I said.

"No I meant Justin, silly!" She giggled.

"Oh," I said with a blank face. "Well, I highly disagree with that."

"Why do you hate him anyway?"

"I could give a hundred reasons why but I'm hungry so...yeah maybe next time."


Hello whoever you are reading this story!! I'm glad and very honored that you chose to read this. So yeah that was chapter one and I hope that you'll continue reading and give this story a chance?

Typos and grammatical errors are inevitable since this is only wattpad so forgive me. Comments, votes, and suggestions are very much appreciated. Besides it's almost Christmas so... :) :)


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