53- I Can't Fall Inlove

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Ok, so the previous chapter finally reached my desired votes..so yeah, here's chapter 53 and btw, Thank You Guys For Reading! I can't believe that I gained 12k reads already in just 1 and a half month! if you only knew how much happy I am to accomplish something like this in my entire epic life :)

Thank You once again and
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Chapter 53


Justin drove me home safely, it was a pleasure for him to drive me home although he didn't open up doors for me because as we all know, he's not a gentlemen. so yeah...so instead of complaining about how un-gentlemen he is, I just exhaustively open up the door myself to avoid further offensive argues with him -_- I'm too exhausted anyway for an argue session.

Now here I am, staring at his car who was almost a far from a distance. I don't know why but I think I'm falling for Justin...no, no this can't be, i'm not allowed to fall for that jerk! No...I really can't! But...but the way he looks at me...the way he smiles at me...the way how his hands interlocks with mine...the way his lips tasted....urghhh! I'm falling for him, I'm falling for Justin Bieber.

I sat on the doorsteps at our porch thinking about Justin...well, thinking about how I just broke the rule, the rule that says YOU SHOULD NOT FALL INLOVE WITH HIM OR ELSE YOU'LL BE FACING A SEVERE PUNISHMENT....oh no! Falling inlove with him is risky, my love for him is forbidden but..why? WHY can't I fall inlove with him?! I'm just a developing teenager who falls inlove just like all those teenagers out there. How could this world be sooo cruel? Why does everything in life has to be complicated?!


Omg I'm Crying...i'm crying and I don't know why! Am I crying because my feelings for Justin is forbidden?!


I kept crying until the door crept open. I immediately wiped my tears away but my eyes were still bloodshot. I blinked multiple times, stood up and tried to straighten my shirt which was halfly soaking wet..well, it dried a bit since I sat there outside with the warm breeze of the wind..so..yeah...it pretty much helped drying my shirt.

"Miley is that you?" My father called out. he was like doubting it was me since it was unusual for him to find me outside the house this dark.

"y-yes...dad" I respond. I bowed my head for my dad not to notice my bloodshot eyes due from crying.

"are you okay? Were you crying? Why are you still outside?" Dad asked as he slowly approached me. Gosshh..too much questions dad.

"i'm okay dad, no I wasn't crying...and...I-I decided to hang here for a while since..since y'know, the view is stunning..I-I mean t-the s-stars are beautiful" I lied...but my 'lie' wasn't that bad, right? Well, it took years for me to progress myself on how to lie :) hah! Just kidding :P

"oh, is that it?" He asked me with him on his odd look, he tries to meet my eyes but I was trying to look away to hide them with the strands of my hair since they were very red, bloodshot to be exact.

"y-yeah...I-I was star gazing dad" I stammered. Now, 2 points for lying. I'm sorta guilty.

Dad stepped away from the door and walked towards me who was standing at the doorsteps of our porch. Dad shot his head up in the sky then turned down to look at me a moment after with his disbelieving look, I raised both my brows and gave him my famous 'what?' Look, Dad just shrugged and gestured me to look up in the sky. I nervously nodded my head up in the sky and noticed that the sky was too dark and cloudy from the fact that it just rained a couple of hours ago...that means there were no stars at all...

There were no stars at all


Owweeemjeee! My so called 'Star-gazing lie' was an epic fail...oh wait, no. it was a VERY epic fail. Darn, y u so dumb?!

"Oh right, you were star gazing" dad scoffed with a tone of sarcasm in every word.

"HAHA. Okay, you caught me" I chuckled, he smiled and caressed my back gently with the palm of his hands, And It'll always makes me feel home with its comforting effect on me. Dad never fails me, he always have been the best dad in the entire planet although mom  already went to an another dimension...their love was tragic.

"so, why have you been crying?" Dad asked as he gave me one of his assuring smiles.

30 Votes For This Chapter & I'll publish the upcoming chapter as soon as possible :)


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