Tyler was completely stunned by me telling him how I feel. "T-Tyler. Can I asked you something?" I asked really nervous so he looked at me before nodding.Don't do it. Don't ask the question.
I shook off the voice and took a deep breath."t-Tyler. Do you wanna be my b-boyfriend" I asked really scared and he nodded "yeah" he smiled so I stood up and hugged him. "What now?" He smiled so I leaned in. I pressed our lips together and I could feel him begin to smile as our lips stayed pressed together for the longest, best amount of time.
I had to breath so I pulled away. "That was amazing" he smiled before hugging me again. "Tyler!" Kelly yelled from downstairs so Tyler walked out of his room and I followed close behind. "Yeah?" Tyler asked from the top of the stairs. "Laura says Josh needs to go home and finish unpacking" she told him so I rolled my eyes. "Alright. One sec" Tyler replied then pulled me back to his room.
I put my shoes back on and looked at Tyler. I grappled his hips and kissed him before we walked out of his room.
Tyler walked me out then I went to my house. "This is why I don't have friends" I told my mom when I walked in. "No. This is why the house isn't clean. You don't have friends because you are a depressed teenage boy with anxiety" she told me so I just rolled my eyes before going up to my room. I sat on my bed and stared at the pile of boxes.
I slowly began to unpack my boxes. I was unpacking my fourth box of clothes and I got tired so I ended up falling asleep on a pile of jeans.
Tyler doesn't love you. He will stop loving you. You aren't loved Joshua. You're just a fuck up. You have anxiety and depression. Everyone just feels sorry for you.
I jolted awake and looked around. I groaned and put my clothes away. I looked at the time and decided to shower.
When I got out of the shower I put shorts on and sat on my bed.
You need to bleed Joshua. Get your knife. You know what to do
I tried to resist but couldn't. I grabbed my knife that I kept hidden and looked at the slightly red stained blade. I held the blade to my wrist and pressed down. I flinched in pain but kept cutting.
"Joshua!" My mother shrieked when she opened my bedroom door. I dropped my knife and started sobbing. She immediately rushed over and held me in her arms. I sobbed and she looked at my arm. She didn't care about getting my blood on her clothes. "I'm sorry mom. I love you. I'm so sorry" I sobbed and she just held me tighter "I love you Joshua. You're my baby. I don't want to see you in pain" she sniffled. "I'm sorry" I repeated looking down. I tried to calm myself the best I could. "Let's get you cleaned up" she told me so I nodded. I kicked the knife under my bed so she couldn't find it later on.
I sat on the couch staring at the tan carpet when Jordan walked in. "Hey, you ok man?" He asked and I nodded. He knew I was lying. "C'mon dude. What's bothering you?" He asked and I shook my head. I don't want to talk right now. "What ever. It's my fault for trying to help a fuck up like you" he grumbled then stood up. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. That moment I felt the angry begin to boil inside me.
I stood up and tackled Jordan to the ground. I started punching the crap out of him. "Leave me the fuck alone! I get enough shit from everyone else!" I yelled at him as I gave him a bloody nose. "Joshua William Dun! Stop hurting your brother!" Dad shouted and pulled me off of Jordan.
I walked out the front door pissed and sat on the curb in front of the house. I get enough bullshit from everyone and Jordan doesn't need added to that list.
I sat there for a while then felt someone touch me so I looked over to see Tyler with a blanket. "It's kinda chilly out here and all you're wearing is shorts" he told me then laid the blanket across my back. I smiled slightly at him and held the blanket tightly around myself. "You still cold?" He asked and I nodded. "Come inside" he told me so I stood up.
I followed him into his house and smiled slightly as I felt the warm indoor heat. "Hey Josh" Kelly smiled so I smiled slightly back "hey" I replied shyly. "Let's go upstairs" Tyler said so I followed him up to his room.
I sat on Tyler's bed and watched him shuffle through his drawers. "Here" he said handing me some sweat pants. I looked at them then stood up. "Do I just change right here?" I asked awkwardly and Tyler shrugged. "I play basketball so I see guys walk around the locker room naked. I'm used to it" he shrugged so I shrugged. I play some sports and change in locker rooms so I guess this is no different.
I sat down on the bed and Tyler sat next to me. "What happened?" He asked quietly and I showed him my arm. He immediately hugged me. "Please don't" he begged so I nodded. "I'll try. As long as I get to kiss you right now" I asked while staring at his perfect lips. He didn't say anything, he just leaned forward and connected our lips. I love him so much and we've only been dating for a few hours.
"Tyler" I whispered so he looked up at me. "I love you" I told him causing him to smile. "I love you too" he replied and kissed me again. I intertwined our fingers and sat there with our foreheads against the other's. All my thoughts seem to leave when I'm with him. "You're beautiful Tyler" I told him and watched his cheeks turn a shade red. "You are just as beautiful Josh" he told me then kissed me.
"Tyler!" Kelly yelled so Tyler groaned and got up. I followed behind him and he stood at the top of the stairs. "Tyler, it's getting late. Is Josh staying the night?" She asked so Tyler looked at me. "Yeah, my mom won't care" I told him so he just told his mom that I'm staying the night.
Tyler and I walked back down the hall and his sister Maddison was there. "Oh hey Josh" she smiled in a flirty way "h-hey" I stuttered and of course Tyler's two brothers appeared in the hall as well. "Hey, it's Josh right?" Zack asked so I nodded. "Yo, lets chill in Tyler's room and play truth or dare" Jay said and I looked at Tyler nervously. "Do you want to?" He asked me so I shrugged "sure but we have to be quiet so we don't wake up mom and dad" Tyler said so we all went to his room.
Tyler and I sat on the bed and everyone else just found places to sit. "Ok first thing first. Let's not dare each other to kiss Josh because he's not related to us. He's not gonna leave saying he's kissed all of the Joseph siblings" Tyler said and I was relieved. "How about just two kissing dares?" Maddison suggested so I shrugged and went with it.
Jay started since it was his idea. "Uhh. Zack truth or dare?" Jay asked looking at Zack "truth"
"which one of us would you eat first if we were stuck on an island?" Jay asked so Zack looked around. "Josh and Tyler don't have any meat on their bones so probably you then we could keep Maddison" Zack explained to Jay."Josh, truth or dare" Zack asked and I got nervous. "Uh. D-dare" I replied then looked at Tyler nervously. "I dare you to kiss my sister" Zack smirked and Tyler glared at him. I don't want to be classified as a chicken so I went closer to Maddison and kissed her. She got into in too. I forced her off of me and sat there embarrassed.
"Uhh. Jay truth or dare?" I asked and Jay smirked "dare" I smirked back evilly. "I dare you to sit in Zack's lap until your next turn" I told him so he rolled his eyes. He walked over and sat on Zack.
"Pay back for making me look gay" Jay smirked then looked at Tyler "Tyler. Truth or dare?" Jay asked so Tyler smirked confidently "dare" he replied then I watched Jays lips form into an evil smirk. "Since you guys have become close friends and Josh is wearing Tyler's pants. I dare you to kiss Josh" Jay smirked and I glanced at Tyler nervously. He just smiled slightly and leaned next to my ear "kiss me like you would if they weren't here" he whispered so I nodded. "Just do it. You have ten seconds or else y'all are both chickens" Jay said so Tyler pulled me close to him and connected our lips. I closed my eyes and kissed him like I would if we were alone.
We pulled back and everyone was surprised. "Are y'all gay?" Zack asked and I looked at tyler nervously "no" Tyler lied so I went with it. Thank god. I haven't even come out to my parents yet.
"Boys! Maddison! Go to bed!" Kelly yelled so everyone left the room. We must've been too loud.
I looked at Tyler on the bed next to me and smiled. I randomly hugged him which caused us to fall over. "I love you Josh" he smiled looking me directly in the eyes. I couldn't help but to smile back. "I love you too Tyler" I told him before he pulled his blankets over us. I smiled and drifted to sleep with him.

FanfictionI sing about the demons trapped inside of me. Nobody hears me but it always seems to help. He was the first to hear me. He was the first to help me. He was the first person I saw and questioned who I really was. I think I love him.