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  The show has just finished. The five of them are sweating and exhausted as always, but proud and satisfied. They already know this contradictory sensation. Playing a just two hours show feels as if you had just run an eternal marathon. Playing, singing, jumping and doing weird things on stage is exhausting. But this time they've done it very well compared to the last shows. They're really pleased with themselves.

They don't really want to celebrate it, they will do it tomorrow. After sharing hugs for everyone they already drive to the hotel where they're going to stay the night.

  This time he must share the room with Frank. They booked a double one and another one for three people where Ray, Mike and Bob are sleeping.

After Frank has said he's going to stay some minutes outside before going to the hotel to smoke a cigarette, Gerard goes upstairs to their room.

Wide, beautiful, with a huge double bed which he stares at while all his fantasies with Frank just come to his mind...

He comes back to reality quickly. He's in sweat and already a little tense, he thinks he should have a shower.

  Already on the bathroom, he takes his clothes off and then gets in the shower.

The hot water starts to run down his shoulders. Gerard let it soak himself completely before turning the faucet off to take the shampoo. And, suddenly, the bathroom's door opens up and, startled, he turns around to see who's there.

TEENAGERS (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now