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  As usual, that day Frank took his guitar at Gerard's house.

He had found him drawing, something he did really well. He was truly amazed by his huge talent. Gerard was unique and an amazing human being.

After giving him a great oral sex session, he asked him to draw him.

"Do... Do you want me to draw you?" Gee wanted to make sure.

"Of course."

  It took them two hours. Frank was as still as he could all the time as Gerard looked carefully at those already very familiar features he loved that much and tried to reproduce them in a paper. Those green olive eyes, that delicate nose, those irresistible lips, that angelical face in general, those unique hands, that tasty neck, those perfect shoulders...

There was nothing he didn't like about Frank. He was afraid of how would the drawing look like. It was probably more than impossible to fit so much beauty into a piece of paper.

Also, there wouldn't be his lovely personality. Frank was funny, smart, friendly, gently... Gerard would have never imagined somebody like him would be in his life and, still less, that that person would be his first love.

"I finished." He said then.

Frank got closer to the paper and checked his own image in black and white. It was just as if he was looking himself on a colorless mirror.

"Wow. It's perfect."

"That's because who I drew is even more perfect." Gerard smiled. "I have to color it, though."

Frank didn't say any other word, he grabbed his guitar and started to play a version of Baby I Love You by Ramones.

  One of the things about each other they had found out during those months was that they had a similar music taste. The Misfits, Iron Maiden or Ramones were some of the bands they both listened to.

Frank started to sing the first verse:

Have I ever told you
How good it feels to hold you?
It isn't easy to explain

And though I'm really tryin'
I think I may start cryin'
My heart can't wait another day

Then he performed the prechorus:

When you kiss me I just gotta
Kiss me I just gotta
Kiss me I just gotta say:

Gerard couldn't help it and, surprising Frank, he sang the chorus:

Baby I love you...

Frank realized he sang really good, at least better than him in fact. He couldn't help but comment his fascination:

"Wow, you do it really good. You're voice is very unique, not really common but beautiful."

Gerard blushed as always and smiles shyly.

"Thank you." He said almost inaudibly. "You don't do it that bad and your playing is wonderful."

Gerard sang great, he was good with the guitar... Suddenly, Frank came up with something.

"Hey, what if we formed a band?"

"But we are just two people."

"Well, that's just the start. We'll find more people later. What do you think?"

"I don't know..."

"Let's just keep meeting as we do and make covers of bands we like for now. You sing and I play."

"And what name would we have?"

"I don't know, let's just choose a provisional name and as more people will join us we'll argue and change it if it's necessary. Do you have any idea?"

Gerard smirked at the memory of the little and stupid joke he had made some days ago, and he thought it was a good name.

"Our Chemical Romance. What do you think?"

Frank smiled but thought about it first. It was original and really intimate, something which would probably make them change it as more people joined them... If that happened someday. But they had said a 'provisional name' and it was really fitting in it.

"It's perfect." He smiled again and planted a quick kiss on Gee's lips.

They didn't want to wait anymore, they immediately started to listen to a song by The Misfits to find the chords and the lyrics.

TEENAGERS (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now