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  Gerard got out of Frank's house.

  After having sex, the two of them had been laying down in bed both of them thinking but not talking much since, even so, there was a certain awkwardness in the air.

The tension had been reduced later when Frank had taken his guitar and had been playing while Gerard looked at him totally absorbed by him.

  The rain had stopped over twenty minutes ago. Gerard was still thinking of whar had just happened.

Two days ago, his first kiss. Now his first time. With a boy. With a boy! In the end, he knew that was going to happen. He couldn't lie to himself anymore. It was clear, he was in love with Frank.

So... was he homosexual? He was confused but also extremely happy. Was that what love provided? For first time in many years his life seemed to be smiling at him. With all its honesty, all its optimist, with all its color...

He recieved an ironical sign when he went down the stairs of Frank's house's driveway and looked at the already sunny sky.

A beautiful and long rainbow was crossing it with all its glory.

TEENAGERS (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now