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  🎸About the cover of the fanfic: I chose that picture of lockers because the whole fanfic happens in their high school since it happens during their teenage years. The fact that they are red is because of the music video of their song Blood and the locker which is open symbolizes how Gerard 'comes out the closet' (even though I don't like this expression really much).

  🎸I couldn't tell you what was what inspired me to write this fanfic. I wanted to make a Frerard one, that was clear. I guess it was how often I try to imagine how their teenage lifes were like and what and how they must think and feel about My Chemical Romance after their breakup. I wondered it very often, I wondered what would have happened if this important band had never existed. I wondered if we hadn't got this pain.

  🎸This has been my second fanfic and the first Frerard one I write. Unlike the other one, "Lemon Head", which I published it as I wrote it, I waited for this one to be finished to then publish all its parts at once (except the two first ones which I published a little earlier). Tell me if you prefer it this way also for future fanfics or if it's better that I publish one part a week, for instance, as I did with the other one.

  🎸I usually like those Frerard fanfics when they respect these four years of age difference between Gerard and Frank, it actually should have been this way in this fanfic, that Frank was four years younger despite of  how mature and sensible he was. But the thing is that I forgot it as I wrote this and I didn't remember it until weeks after I published the whole fanfic and I would have had to change too many things. It isn't the first time that something like this happens to me, that's why I've already thought of some methods and solutions so I don't make the same mistake again.

~As you can see I put as many things related to MCR as I could during the whole fanfic. One of them is the time Gerard wakes up in this part, as the same story explains.
~At first I thought of, instead of making the drawing that shows the light be their old logo, making it be the new logo, the cross they put when they announced the album "MCRX" since it means resurrection which is the same Gerard experiments when he goes back in time. Now I think I would have liked this first idea better.

  🎸I think I don't need to say that the title of CHAPTER 2 (BACK TO HELL) comes from the song "Mama".

  🎸There are some things in CHAPTER 3 (THE NEW BOY) that sadly came from or are based in personal experiences, specially the first paragraphs of that part.

  🎸At first Frank had to go to the same class as Gerard and he even had to sit next to him, actually, but I finally thought that it would give it more possible interesting stuff if it wasn't this way.

  🎸During the whole fanfic I wanted to be pretty loyal to the characters' real teenage life making Gerard live in Belleville and saying it wasn't a safe place, for instance, although I obvioulsy modificated some other things such like that Frank moved there (thing that it didn't happen, if I'm not wrong).

  🎸I got the scene of CHAPTER 4 (NEIGHBOURS) where, making Gerard surprised, the new boy goes out of the bus after him and then he happens to live just some blocks before him from one of the movies that had inspired me the most in my whole life (specially when it comes about writing) called Bridge to Terabithia, a movie which Gerard talks about in that video of the interview I put at the beginning of this chapter (it's the last question they ask him) but WARNING: DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO IF YOU ARE GOING TO WATCH THE MOVIE (something which I seriously recommend you to do) OR OUR GERARD HIMSELF WILL MAKE YOU SOME SPOILER.

  🎸In the beginning the CHAPTER 6 (UNDER MY UMBRELLA) and the CHAPTER 10 (THE WORLD IS UGLY) weren't planned to be written, but the fanfic looked kind of 'poor' and too short, so I tried to put a little bit of 'stuffing' which wasn't too annoying.

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