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  It had been almost two weeks since the school year had begun.

Gerard and Frank were closer everyday. They spent the breaks together, they went home together and they even met to do their homework sometimes.

Gerard had been thinking about Frank's sexual orientation. Specially because he also hesitated about his own. He had never been attracted to a girl and he didn't know if it was because he never got on well with any or... because he wasn't attracted to them? He did remember he had like some girls. But in those cases he hadn't felt what he was feeling for Frank. He felt so good by his side... Comfortable but nervous at the same time. Everytime he saw him his stomach shook and a stupid smile struggled to be drawn on his face. He focused on every word he said so he didn't annoy or disappoint Frank, a mature boy, sensible, smart, precious... Even his beauty captured him. Was that being in love? Did he like Frank?

  The bell that announced the end of the first class of the day rang and Gerard spent the five minutes he had going to the bathroom.

Once he was there he found Frank looking himself in the mirror washing his face and... crying?

"Are you okay?" Gerard asked.

"I think I've got something in my eye." he said. He hadn't been crying, at least it didn't seem so.

"Let me see." Gerard said, taking his hand off of his pretty face.

Gerard was getting more tense as he got his face closer to Frank's. He could feel his breath, they shared the same air.

And there was it. The eyelash which was bothering that precious green and a little gray, now he could see it, eye. He couldn't help it, his eyes focused on Frank's lips. Pink, so desirable, so beautiful, so close... Closer. And closer.

Gerard couldn't move because all the energy of his body was concentrated in his heart which was about to explode since it was pumping so hard. He stayed still while Frank was getting closer until his own lips touched his.

It actually didn't last long. Less than three seconds. But it was a heavenly eternity to Gerard.

Frank pulled apart, looked at him unexpressively and got out of the bathroom.

  Gerard had to stay there some minutes more, washing his face to make sure that what had just happened hadn't been a dream.

He was late for the next class but that was the least important thing in those moments.

TEENAGERS (English) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now