The Wolves in the Woods Chapter 20- I've had worse

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Heres chapter 20!!!!! Kinda a filler chapter not much going on but if I get enough votes I just might upload anothr chapter this weekend! 





I was having a strange sense of that I was beginning a patter. I knew I was in a bed, my bed in the Safe Room, but my body felt weighed down like lead was laced through my veins. My mind was lost in a grey fog of confusion.

The memories of the fight we slowing trickling back like water down a stream. I remembered telling the Pack, Will’s challenge, the fight and me winning, but then nothing; nothing but an agonizing, burning pain erupting from my chest followed by the savior of dark oblivion.  

Now said oblivion was more of an annoyance than a savior. I was trying to open my eyes from no matter how many times I though, open your eyes, just a little ity bity crack, it just wasn’t cutting it. I was beginning to trier again and felt myself slipping more into the gray fog, pulling me farther and farther away from the little I could feel. 

But suddenly I felt a warm pressure on my hand followed by a voice, “Casee, if you can hear me please wake up. Wake up and tell me that you’re okay.” Seth’s voice begged me squeezing my hand again.

That was what I need. I drew strength from his voice as he talked to me, pleading with me to give him a sign that I was going to wake up and be okay. I focused on that voice and pulled. With everything I had I pulled myself from the darkness, in knew I was getting close when the pain in my chest was reintroduced, but I welcomed it.  

A tingling started at the tip of my toes and slowly, so very slowly, began up my body. To my ankles, then my calf and knees, rising up to my hips and spreading over my stomach, rushing through my check and sending my heart into frenzy. The at last I opened my eyes.

At first the light was blinding and I quickly snapped my eyes closed again until I was ready to face the brightness. Like I thought, I was back in the Safe Room lying in the bed. Everything looked the same as the last time that Seth and I were here.

“Casee?” I heard a whispered voice next to me. I flicked my eyes over to its source and met the most beautiful grey eyes I will ever see in my life.  Seth sat in the desk chair scooted as close to the bed as he could get it without actually being on the bed himself. He had bags under his eyes, and his hair was sticking up in odd directions. 

“You look like hell.” I croaked out, my voice dry.

He chuckled at me, the lines on his face relaxing, “I guess I probably do. I haven’t left your side since I brought you here, I was so worried.” He brought the hand he was clutching to his face and placed a soft kiss on the knuckles before taking a deep breath inhaling my scent.  

“What happened after I passed out?” I asked, pushing the words up my throat.      

Seth released my hand and walked over to the fridge, pulling a bottle of water from inside and returning to my side. He handed me the bottle then a pill capsule from a yellow canister on the bedside table. “Here the Doc said to take these when you woke up to help with the pain.”

I knocked the pill back and chugged the water not stopping until I had tasted the last drop.

“Now tell me what happened.” I said then leaned over to put the bottle on the bedside table, hissing through clenched teeth as pain tore through my middle. Seth jumped up to my side instantly helping my lay back down on the pillows.

“You have several broken ribs and one of them punctured you lung. You also have a concussion with a nice crack in your skull, all of which should be healed in the next day or two.” He explained fluffing my pillows so I was more comfortable.  

“I’ve had worse.” I said waving a hand dismissively, “How’s Will fairing?” I pondered.

“I haven’t actually seen him but from what I’ve heard through the connection, you did quite the number on him. Broken ribs, shattered jaw joint, blown out ear drum, and split his head open. I don’t even think that he’s awake yet, and probably won’t be for another day or two while he heals from that ass kicking.” Seth told me a smile tugging at his lips.

“And I doubt that his ego will ever heal from said ass kicking.” I said with my own grin in place. It didn’t matter how banged up I got as long as my opponent was worse off.

“My thoughts exactly.”     

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