The Wolves in the Woods Chapter 21- A rock and a hard place

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Heres chapter 21! Yayay! Now I have the scrolly thingy! I am so proud of you guys and your voting last night and today so here is another chapter and this on is waaaaayyy longer!




This is not edited! 

The rest of the day and half of the next day. That’s how long I was confined to my bed. Several people came and went but Seth always drove them off saying that I needed my ‘rest’ so I could fully recover.

Every few hours or so Kyle, the Pack doctor, would come in, poke and pod me, make a few notes and leave. Seth told me he was just curious about my half-blood healing capabilities. That was just fine and dandy but it made me feel like a freaking science experiment and the good doctor was beginning to wear on my last nerve.  

“Hey Casee, you up?” Fate asked popping her head inside the door; I had made Seth unlock it earlier because it was starting to make me feel like a prisoner.   

“Yeah, come on in.” I said sitting up in bed with barely any pain at all. 

“I brought you some clothes.” She said skipping into the room.

“For what?” I asked confused.

“Because word from the Pack connection is that you’re getting sprung today.” She told me setting down a pile of neatly folded clothes at the foot of the bed.

“What, really I can get out of bed today?” I asked excitedly.

“That’s what I heard, and that Seth is taking you somewhere today. Speaking of Seth where is he?” Fate wondered glancing at his empty chair next to my bed.

“I made him go get me some food from Amy, instead of having her bring it to me when he has two working legs.” I said smirking, he really didn’t like me ordering him around but let’s face it I am pretty convincing. “So do you know where he is taking me?”  

“Nope not a clue, he’s been keeping it to himself. I’m sure Charles knows but other than that it’s a mystery, but don’t worry it can be too bad.” Fate said with a smirk.  

“Fabulous.” I muttered rolling my eyes.

“What’s fabulous?” Seth asked as he walked through the door carrying a tray of food.  

“I finally get to get out of bed today that’s what’s fabulous!” I almost cried out in joy.

Seth chuckled as he scooted around Fate and placed the tray on my lap. “Yes, I spoke with Kyle and he said that you were healed enough to be up and about without hurting yourself more. But first let’s get some food into you.”

“Yes dad.” I said sarcastically before digging into my meal. Amy really was a great cook. “So I hear your taking me somewhere?”

“And where did you hear this?” He asked doing the whole raise-one-eyebrow-cause-I’m-cool thing that no matter how hard I try I can never do. 

“Oh a little birdy told me.” I said smirking at Fate who was still sitting quietly on the foot of the bed.

Seth smiled, “Well this little birdy was right, I’m taking you to the mall.”

“The mall?” I would not have ever guested that we were going to the mall.

“Yes the mall. Because no matter how much Fate loves to play dress up with you I don’t think she wants you wearing, and destroying, her clothes all the time.” Seth said. He had a point, ever since I showed up I’ve been wearing Fate’s stuff. Not to mention the fact that the tank top, leather vest, and shorts outfit she gave me the other day was completely ruined in the fight. Well at least my converse made it out all right.

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