Chapter Six

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Joon Soo

Everyone was seated at their desks, chatting to each other in their groups when I entered the room. I walked to the front of the classroom and stood there, patiently waiting for everyone's attention. They kept talking and I grew more annoyed by the second. In defeat, I cleared my throat.

The classroom went silent and everyone straightened in their seats, turning to look at me.

"You've all had enough time now to come up with your articles for this month's magazine," I said. "In this meeting I'd like the section editors to pitch every article they will be contributing and we will go from there. Kim Hye Ri, what articles does the fashion team have to offer?"

We took turns with each team. The editors made their pitches. Many articles got scrapped or the ideas changed, yet the students had a strong spirit. They didn't seem annoyed that they'd have to rewrite their articles or start fresh. If anything, they seemed happy with the suggestions made. Instead of offering just my opinion, however, I allowed for members of the other sections to contribute their opinion as well.

"Okay. I think we have solid concepts for each section. I want these articles written by Thursday and polished up by the editors and handed back to me on Saturday in a week's time. I'll see you all then. You're all dismissed."

Some students got from their seats and left the room, bowing to me on the way. Some lingered in the classroom. As I exited the room, I caught their conversations.

"Will you be watching the game this weekend?"

"Most definitely. Will you?"

"Wouldn't miss it."

"Wait... turn around Jung Ah... Is that my necklace? Why do you have it? Answer me!"

As I started walking towards the gate, my phone started ringing.


"Park Joon Soo, it's Kim Eum Shim. Are you still in your class?"

"No, I was just on my way out."

"Drop by my office on your way. I need to talk to you." And with that, she ended the call.

My stomach sunk. Had I done something wrong? Was I already getting fired? On my second week?

Turning around, I went back to the admission's office.

The receptionist smiled when I entered. "What can I help you with, Mr Park?" She batted her eyelashes.

"Kim Eum Shim requested to see me."

"Hold on. Let me call to see if she's free."

She dialled the number, spoke for a couple of seconds, then hung up and smiled at me.

"So? Can I go up?" I asked.

"She said yes."

"Gamsahamnida." I awkwardly shuffled away from the lady, who still watched me as I disappeared down the hallway.

Entering her office, I hesitated by the doorway.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Have a seat."

I sat down, taking a deep breath. It's okay, Joon Soo. If you get fired from this job, you can always find another... right? Maybe?

"I have something to talk to you about that I forgot to mention in our first meeting."

A feeling of relief swept through me. I wasn't getting fired.

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