Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Joon Soo

As the plane landed, despite my exhaustion, I eagerly unclasped my seatbelt and grabbed my luggage to get off the plane. I knew my next flight would not leave for another two hours, but I quickly exited the international airport and caught the transfer bus to the domestic airport. When I arrived, I was completely lost.

I approached a random desk near some baggage conveyor belts. "Ah, excuse me," I fumbled for my English, "Qantas which way is?"

The lady with way too much makeup on cocked an eyebrow at me. "Are you asking which way Qantas check-in are?"

I nodded.

"You have to head over to depacha."

"To where?"


I clearly didn't understand the word she was using. "Could you... ah..." I grabbed a pen and paper out of my backpack. "Write here?"

D-E-P-A-R-T-U-R-E she had written.

"Oh departure. Thank you. Which way was that?"

She pointed to my left.

"Thank you." I bowed my head as I left.

A red sign bearing a kangaroo caught my attention. QANTAS.

"Hi, I'm picking up my tickets please," I said to the man at the baggage claim.

"Where are you heading?"



"Park Joon Soo."

He typed at the computer and paused. He cocked an eyebrow. "Nothing is coming up."

"Oh, sorry. Try Joon Soo Park."

He typed away again. "There you are. Any luggage to check in?"

I shook my head.

He handed over my tickets. "Head to gate 24."

"How do I get there?"

"If you head that way," he pointed to the left as well, "you will find the security check."



"Oh. Thank you. Sorry. Thank you." Audrey was right. I could never live in her country. I was confusing everyone around me and was even more confused myself. Yet, regardless, I didn't let that hinder my excitement. I headed off in the direction he pointed, found my gate, and waited for my flight.


"Hello everyone, this is your captain speaking. Firstly, on behalf of the staff and crew, I'd like to thank you for flying Qantas. I hope your flight was enjoyable. We will be beginning our descent to Townsville very shortly. The time will be 2:05 when we land. It's quite a hot day today with 35 degrees and ninety percent humidity. Unfortunately, the rain season has ended now. For yours and the cabin crew's convenience, please hand any of your rubbish to the crew members as they make their way through the cabin. Again, I hope you enjoyed your flight, and thank you for flying with Qantas."

Five minutes later, the fasten seatbelt sign lit up again.

"We are now beginning our decent," the head crew member announced. "Please make sure your seats are upright, your shade is pulled up, and your tray is stored in the upright position. Make sure any of your personal belongings are tucked under the seat in front of you."

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