Chapter Seven

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Showered, dressed, and ready to go, I checked my appearance once in the mirror, smoothing back a few stray hairs, before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. My roommate was out again, so I made sure to lock the door behind me. I hurried down the stairs and out the front of the campus where we said to meet. I was running slightly late, having slept through my first alarm.

Finally reaching the front of campus, I saw a person standing with their back to me by a car in the drop-off zone. I cautiously approached the figure, unsure if it was him. I tucked another stray lock of hair behind my ear before clearing my throat. I wasn't sure why I was so fussed by my appearance. It's not like this guy cared anyway. Besides, he was a teacher of some sort at this university. He was way too old for me and out of my league. I mentally shook the thoughts out of my head. Why was I even thinking about this? We probably won't see each other again after today. I will probably be on the plane tomorrow, heading back to Australia and he will go on with his life here. Today wasn't going to change anything. Regardless, I was grateful for this man's moment of kindness. I would get to leave Seoul with having seen the city at least.

The guy turned around and his large grin slipped on his face. "Jeonsoo Eodaree."

"If we are going to hang out all day, you need to call me by just my first name," I replied.

"Okay, Eodaree. Will do."

"Ready to go, Park Joon Soo?"

"If I have to call you by your first name, then you have to call me by mine."

"Okay... Joon Soo. Ready?"

He nodded. "Are you?"

I nodded.

He opened the passenger door for me, slightly taking me aback. I didn't expect such gentlemanly kindness. Then I reminded myself respect is a large part of Korean culture... not that many people showed me that in the past two weeks other than this man and the ajumma from the convenient store. I got in the car and he ran around to the other side, climbing in the driver's side. "Normally they pick you up at the hotel you're staying, but neither of us are at a hotel. So I called them up this morning and they said if I go to any of the hotels the other passengers are getting on at then we shouldn't have any problems."

"Ah, okay."

With that, he pulled the car out from the curb and started driving towards our destination.

I stared out the window along the way, watching the city roll by. I didn't get the chance to really do this on my way in because I was too busy making sure my suitcase didn't get lost on the way.

"By the way," he started, causing me to look away from the window and at him, "I know understand you're a westerner and you have different levels of respect there. It doesn't bother me because I would have offered lowering your speech to me anyway, but some people here will get offended by it."

I raised my eyebrow at him. What was he talking about?

"It's good you know that people have to ask to be on a first name basis and to lower speech, but always make sure you know the other person's age. If they are younger than you, then you can offer it. However, if they are older then you have to wait for them to offer it."

"Oh... joesong hamnida," I replied, slightly bowing my head.

"No need to apologise. It's completely okay to lower your speech to me. I just thought I'd let you know so you don't get in trouble in future."

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