How You Meet - Part One

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~This first installment will include 2p America, 2p Canada, 2p England, and 2p Italy. Please read the Author's Note for more information concerning other 2ps.~

~___- America -___~

        You walked through the barren streets in New York City. What was once a hustling and bustling city was now a desolate wasteland. It was hard to find anybody anymore, and if you did find someone, they were creatures of the undead; a zombie so to speak. What do you do in this case? You've got three options: run and hide, fight to kill, or let them bite you and turn you into one of them. The last of the three was not your favorite idea, but it was an option and all options had to be considered at this point. You hadn't seen another normal human in two months. It was starting to feel like you were the only one who had survived this long, but you knew there had to be someone out there. It couldn't be just you, right?

        You were currently walking towards Central Park, hoping to maybe find something of use. Your Louisville slugger was fastened onto your back along with your sniper rifle and shotgun while you carried one of your two pistols in your hand as a precaution. The other pistol was strapped to your hip in a holster. Six boxes of ammo, three being shotgun, two for your pistols, and one for your sniper, were settled into the pockets of the khaki cargo pants you wore. Some might say that having that many weapons on you was a bit over kill, but in a zombie apocalypse there is no such thing as over kill. Years of playing video games had taught you that.

        You had built a shelter in your house that had an entrance to it from your room's closet. At the time of starting this project, you were still in high school and working with a decently stable job. You had been playing zombie based games for years and figured preparing for a zombie apocalypse would be a good idea in case of one ever happening. Your parents thought you were crazy when you came home with the idea, but supported your decision and got you the building permits and contractors you needed. Within a few months, you had a fully furnished apocalypse shelter built under your house. It was basically a house built under a house with its four bedrooms, a kitchen with a pantry, two bathrooms, a living room, and a few closets for storage. You had stocked the shelter with all different kinds on non-perishable goods and plenty of water along with some of yours and your family's clothes. You also took the liberty of moving all of your gaming consoles and games that went with them down into it as well. You had basically been living in the shelter before the apocalypse even happened. When it did, you were already accustomed to sleeping in the bed down there, but your parents had a very difficult time doing so.

        You're parents and older brother had sadly perished five months into the apocalypse. You had been alone for about a year and three months now. Yes, it was a lonely life, but you had tried to find other survivors. It seemed impossible to do so though. Every place you went was void of all humans and filled with zombies. Today seemed to change that though.

        You entered into the park and walked around for awhile, seemingly finding nothing and no one until you reached the Great Lawn section. You took notice off all the baseball fields around, but one caught your eye in particular. There was a male dressed in a gray t-shirt and blue jeans with red and white Converse sneakers. A brown bomber jacket was hug up on fence behind him. His hair was a brunette color with a hint of red to it. A piece of it stuck up randomly by his forehead. His eyes were covered by a pair of what looked like black Aviator sunglasses and his skin was tanned nicely. It wasn't at all like the fake tans you had seen before the apocalypse occurred.

         He had a baseball bat similar to yours in his hands and large bucket of baseballs by his side. Another baseball bat with blood stains and nails in it sat off to the side near is bomber jacket. Zombies and zombie corpses littered the field, as did baseballs he had hit earlier. One zombie in particular decided to rush him while you watched. The male picked up one of the baseballs from the bucket, tossed it up slightly, then swung the baseball bat at it. The two objects made contact, causing the ball to soar through the air and tear a hole through the center of the zombie's head. It crumbled to the ground in a pile.

2p! Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios: Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now