2p Nyo Belarus Catch Up

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~___- How You Meet -___~

        Minsk, the capital of Belarus, was your travel destination with a few of your classmates from college. Your college required all of their students to study abroad for a full year, fully funded by the college, which was much to yours and your classmates' delight. So, you and five of your fellow performing arts classmates, all of which you were very close with, decided to head to Belarus. While it wasn't the arts capital of the world, you all wanted to go to a less traveled place just for the fun of it.

        It had only been about three months since the six of you had made it to Minsk when the Apocalypse hit. With the population of nearly two million people, the city was quick to fall to zombies. Your classmates and you were relatively safe at the house you had been renting during your stay, but one day they left to scavenge for supplies and never came back. Why all five of them went was beyond you, but you had warned them not to go. They tried to convince you to join them before leaving, but you were firm on your decision to stay back at the house. It was a good thing too because you probably would have met the same fate as them, whatever it may have been.

        A few weeks later, you had to go out and scavenge for more food. You took a small handgun with you and a box of ammo. You weren't about to die. Despite the world being in chaos, you still had hopes of becoming a singer or an actor or both. If the world could just take back control of itself, everything would be back to normal. You unfortunately knew that this would be difficult to achieve, nearly impossible even depending on how many people had already died or were turned into zombies.

        As you walked the streets of Minsk, you eventually ran into a man who was being cornered by a group of zombies. He was handsome to you. Very handsome. His hair was a light blondish brown with an ahoge of sorts sticking up, his eyes a piercing red, and his skin a peachy tone. He was in a tan military coat of sorts with black fur around his neck, wrists, and the bottom of his coat. There was also a black belt around his waist. He looked terrified. You, being the nice person you were, decided to save him. Bringing up the gun, you aimed and fired as many times as necessary at the heads of the zombies until they all laid on the ground motionlessly. The man stared at you for a moment before running at you. You tensed as he hugged you suddenly, his face landing in your chest as he nearly dropped to his knees.

        "Thank you so much! I am forever indebted to you! My savoir!" he said quickly as he rubbed his cheek against your chest.

        The man quickly realized where his face had landed though and threw himself away from you. He was blushing brightly as he quickly rambled off apologies in Belarusian. You put a hand up and your gun in a holster on your hip.

        "It's fine. No harm done, right? I'm (y/f/n) by the way."

        "Nikolai Arlovskaya! Pleasure to meet you (y/n)! Really though, thank you for saving me."

        "You're welcome. It was the right thing to do. I couldn't live with myself had I not done so. I'd have such a guilty conscience."

        "That's understandable." He glanced at a watch under his coat sleeve and began panicking. "Aaaaaah, I'm going to be so late! Mykola is going to kill me, and then Anastasiya will! I'm sorry, but I have to go!"

        He ran off without another word. You knew you'd see him again though.

~___- Meeting Him Again -___~

        It was about a month and a half later when you ran into Nikolai again. He had a bruise on his upper cheek, and it looked fresh to you. Upon seeing him two streets away from the house you were staying at, you ran to him. You looked over his face, gently gripping it and turning his head every which way to better look at his bruise. You touched it lightly with the pad of your thumb, earning a wince from him. You apologized.

2p! Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios: Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now