2p Denmark Catch Up + Voting

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~Please read the Author's Note! We'll be voting for a new character again!~

~___- How You Meet -___~

        When the Apocalypse hit you had been in Copenhagen, Denmark on official business. What official business were you on? The answer was simple: mafia business. You were a hitman, or hitwoman in your case, for hire from America, but if you were getting paid you didn't care who you worked for. You had done international work before, mainly for the Italian and Russia Mafias. This job was no different. The Yakuza leader from Japan hired you to assassinate a rival Mafia Boss in Denmark, the Serbian Mafia leader. Why he wanted you to, you weren't sure. You were never given any details, but you didn't care. You only cared about getting paid so you could buy and pay for the items necessary to survive. At the start of the Apocalypse you weren't too concerned about zombies, but as their numbers increased, you found it more and more difficult to complete your job.

        Word eventually reached you that your current employer had died as a result of a zombie infestation at his headquarters. This was unfortunate for you because you were also told that you would not be payed for the job should you complete it. You were of course pissed about this and tracked the guy you were supposed to kill down and killed him without a second thought or mercy out of pure rage. On your way home, you killed any zombies you came across. You spent the next month locked up in the apartment you were renting in Copenhagen since you didn't want to deal with anyone or anything. Staying in was your best bet at doing so. Well, that was one option. The other option was to kill everyone else in the apartment complex, but you felt that was a bit overboard. It wasn't long until you got your wish to be alone though. Your apartment complex soon became empty except for you as they slowly perished or were turned into zombies from infection.

        You had to leave your apartment eventually though for supplies. Reluctantly, you grabbed two of your pistols, some ammo, and throwing knives before heading out. The streets were quiet except for the occasional groan of a zombie off in the distance. You walked for awhile until you came to a liquor store and let out a sigh of relief. Drinking was a nasty habit that you had taken up when you first became a hitman to help relieve some of your stress. It unfortunately only worked for a little bit. Then you just began to drink for the burning feeling that hard liquor and certain other alcohol would give your throat. You tried to kick the habit, but you couldn't.

        Walking into the store, the strong smell of cigarette smoke invaded your senses. You looked around, trying to find its source. After perusing a few aisles, you found where the smell came from. There was a man looking at the various hard liquors, cigarette smoke spilling from his mouth every time he too a drag from the cigarette perched at the corner of his lips. He had some pretty wicked gravity defying blond hair. It stood straight up into the hair, and it didn't look like he used any product to make it that way. He was kind of pale and had a scar on his right cheek. His eyes were a bluish purple. His outfit consisted of a black button down shirt, a red necktie that was loosened, red jeans, and a pair of black boots. He hadn't seemed to notice you yet.

        "If you're looking for something good I'd suggest Jameson or Smirnoff."

        He looked at you for a brief moment before grabbing a bottle of Jameson, then looked over the Smirnoff. "Why are there so many fucking flavors of this shit?"

        "Because people like flavored vodka. Just get the regular on if you don't want a flavor."

        He rolled his eyes before grabbing a bottle of the original vodka and shoved past you. His shoulder bumped into yours. You immediately flipped him off, which he didn't see. You then grabbed your own bottle, which was actually two bottles, before going back to your apartment to drink yourself to sleep.

2p! Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios: Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now