How You Meet - Part Two

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~___- Romano -___~

        A mall was the best thing you could hope for when the apocalypse happened, and you were glad you found one on your vacation to Italy so easily. Much to your surprise you were the only one who had taken refuge there. You weren't complaining initially about being the only one to use the mall. You had everything all to yourself and wouldn't have to fight with anyone for food or clothing. Eventually though, it become lonely. You'd wonder aimlessly from store to store, wishing someone would show up to relieve your growing boredom. Little did you know that your wish would come true.

        It was a rather cold autumn day when you decided to venture into one of the stores you seldom visited, which just so happened to be a clothing store. You heard something moving off in the distance. It peaked your interest so you decided to go check it out. As you moved closer you identified the sound as hangers moving on a rack. You continued to move closer until you could see a mass of bright blond hair and what looked like a curl shooting off to the right. Zombies didn't have that bright of a hair color, so it was obviously a human.

      "Hello," you said calmly.

       The other person jumped slightly and gave an undignified girly squeak despite obviously being a male. He peered around the clothing rack to look at you.

        "Ciao bella," he said after he calmed down a bit. "You're human, sì?"

        "Yes. Do I look undead to you?"

        "With the lack of makeup, horrible taste in clothing, and the way your hair looks, yes. You do."

        "Wow... You're such a nice person..." you grumbled sarcastically.

        "Mi dispiace bella, but it's true. You look dreadful. I can fix that though! Give me an hour, and I can make you look and feel fabulous!"

         "You're strange... I like strange though. I'll give you that hour, but you better not make me look like a clown..."

          "I wouldn't dream of it."

          He got down to work right away and picked out clothing for your first. He then shoved you into a dressing room, waiting for you to come out then while you changed. You came back out a few minutes later and was dragged away by the blond to a makeup store. He sat you in a chair and started to do your makeup and hair.


         "Flavio Vargas."

         While he did your makeup and hair, you looked him over. He was sort of tan, but kind of pale at the same time. His eyes were hidden behind rose colored sunglasses, but with him having to peak over the top of them to see what he was doing in the dim lighting you could tell that his eyes were a smokey gray. As aforementioned, his hair was blond and had a curl jutting off to the right. He wore a crisp white designer suit with a black button down shirt beneath it and a pink scarf. He had on a pair of black dress shoes too.

          "You some kind of big shot or something to be dressing like that?" you asked him as he contoured your face.

         He gasped a bit. "Do you really not know who I am?"

         "You said your name was Flavio Vargas. I don't know anything besides that."

        "You must have lived a very sheltered life... I'm a world renown fashion designer bella. So yes, I am a big shot."

        "Ah. I see."

        "You don't care, do you."


2p! Hetalia Boyfriend Scenarios: Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now