He Finds You Wearing Something Of His

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~Important Author's Note! It's voting time again for a knew character!~

~___- America -___~

        You were currently playing Mario Kart with Asher and Charlotte in the living room of your bunker. Allen had gone out for the day to go to that sports store that you had met him for the second time in, saying that he needed another baseball bat because his broke again. He sighed when he told you this, wondering just how hard he was hitting these zombies that he broke his plain baseball bat all the time. He just laughed and gave you a hug and a kiss before leaving, not forgetting to say goodbye to the kids either. You had still been in your pajamas when he left, so you went to get dressed, but found out that you needed to do laundry badly. So, here you were in a pair of his sport shorts and a gray t-shirt of his in the living room with two fully dressed kids, playing a few rounds of Mario Kart while your washing machine took care of your dirty clothing.

        Allen had come back sooner than you anticipated, so you were still in his clothing while yours were in the dryer. You leaned your head back to look over the back of the couch just as you finished in second place to Asher in one of the Mario Kart tournaments.

       "Hey hun."

       "Sup dollface?"

       "Playing Mario Kart with the kids and getting my butt handed to me by Asher."

       "That's my boy," Allen said as he walked over to the couch and ruffled the small boy's hair, earning a small giggle from the child.

        Allen then moved to sit in the arm chair closest to you. You handed him a controller to join in, and he took it, getting ready to kick everyone's butt. Asher and you had an issue with this and tried everything to beat him. Charlotte had given up at the game and was just spectating at this point, attempting to help her big brother and you win by telling you to watch out for certain objects. Her tips were helping, but it helped even further when your dear boyfriend glanced over at you and stopped playing, completely forgetting the game.

        "Are those my clothes?"

        "Yeah. I needed to do laundry."

        "You look good in it."


        "You'd look even better with it off."

        "What does he mean by that Miss (y/n)?"

        "Nothing Charlotte! Oh, is that the dryer?! I'll go found my clothes!"

         You got up and quickly ran out of the room. While the dryer actually did buzz, telling you that your clothing was dry, you just wanted an excuse to get out of the room to hide your reddening face.

~___- Canada -___~

        Kuma had gladly escorted Juliette outside to go play in the snow during the afternoon. So, Matthieu and you had the house to yourself essentially. You were of course nervous about the little girl being out there with just Kuma, so you'd often peak your head out of the curtains of Matthieu's cabin to check on the two. Your burly Canadian boyfriend had left the house to get more firewood for the fireplace a short time ago so the house would stay warm all night. While you were usually accustomed to having your house a little on the cooler side, Matthieu's house felt just a little too cold for your licking at the moment.

        You found your way into his bedroom and grabbed one of his plaid, flannel shirts from his closet and put it on. It was much too big for you, but that made it all the more comfortable and warm to wear. You walked around the house like this for awhile, periodically checking on Juliette and Kuma from the windows while tidying up the house here and there. You were on a coffee break at the moment. Making yourself a cup, you heard the door open and the sound of heavy footsteps just as you put in a little bit of maple syrup, a habit you had picked up from Matthieu.

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