100 Votes Special - Part One

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~What if he met you during the Purge, not the Apocalypse?~

~This part contains 2p America, 2p Canada, 2p German, and 2p Prussia.~

~___- Introduction Of Sorts-___~

        The Purge, a time in the United States of America while all crime, including murder, is legal for twelve hours. It wasn't uncommon for foreigners to travel to the United States to join in on the Purge. Dubbed "Murder Tourists", these people would join in or just witness the Purge since no other country in the world but the US participated in the event. The least likely event to go down during the Purge was the coming together of two people due to love though. You were just a regular civilian, wishing to have nothing to do with the Purge for the most part. You had no desire to murder anyone. There was no reason to other than to get rid of an enemy, but you didn't want the guilt to hang over your head of committing such a horrible deed, even if it was legal for the time being. You were sitting in your house when you turned on your TV at 7:00 PM. The screen went blue and the sound of the Emergency Broadcast System went off.

"This is not a test. This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of The Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government. Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted. Government officials of ranking ten have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed. Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for twelve continuous hours. Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning until 7 a.m., when the Purge concludes. Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn. May God be with you all."

~___- America -___~

        Tonight, you wished for nothing more to survive... And also to steal a couple video games from various stores just because it was a good night to do so. Yeah, going out was risky, but so was staying locked inside your house with your family. Your brother, who was about two years your senior, was against you going out, but you really wanted Resident Evil VII: Biohazard without having to pay for it. So, after the Purge announcement ended, you grabbed what you needed to. Blending in with the Purgers would be a good idea, so you made one that would match the style they wore. You grabbed a handgun, a small hand pistol, from your father's gun closet as well as a box of bullets and got ready to leave. It was already getting dark, so you put on a black hoodie, jeans, and combat boots to hopefully blend into the shadows should you need to.

        Your brother tried to get you to stay home again, but you shrugged him off and continued on your way out the front door. Other Purgers were already in the streets wrecking havoc, as made clear by the loud screaming and gunshots in the distance. You tried to ignore it as you continued on. You didn't need to get yourself in a fight. Not yet. You'd save that for the game store. Good thing it was withing a fifteen minute walking distance, but you needed to be quick. So, you took some secret short cuts you knew and ran for it. It cut your time virtually in half, and you were there in no time. You walked out of the alleyway you were riding in casually and moved to the game store. It was untouched still much to your surprise, but it was closed down.

        You sighed quietly and shot the glass despite knowing it would make a loud noise when it shattered. Surely it would attract others, so you needed to do this quickly. Walking closer and breaking more glass away with the butt of your gun, you slipped in and searched around. No one was around still. That was good for you. You searched the shelves quickly and found Resident Evil VII: Biohazard for your preferred game console and ran it though the price scanner, then did all the computer business you needed to do so the alarm wouldn't go off when you went back out of the store. You did this with a select few other games you wanted and went to leave. When you stepped outside though, there was a man with a nail encrusted baseball bat bashing in the head of someone across the street.

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