Meeting His Family

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~Quick A/N: Guys things are going to start to get a bit confusing here because I don't want to have multiple universes were the one brother as a girl while the other doesn't, so for each story section that overlaps, I will be replacing the other girls name with the (?/RC). The question mark will be replaced with either the first or first two initials of the boy's name and the "RC" stands for "Reader-chan". For example, when it gets to Matt's part, Al's reader with be (A/RC). I saw this idea was used by a person named Silver-KitsuneNeko on DeviantArt, so all credit goes to her for the idea. Also, please read the author's note at the end as well.~

~___- America -___~

        It was definitely a surprise when Allen revealed that he had a half-brother up in Canada, a father in England, and a step-father in France. To you it seemed like his finally was really divided and in more than one way at that. He said that you couldn't meet them in person for obvious reasons, but he said that he could video chat with them so you could all talk, and that was what was going down at the moment.

         The two of you were sitting in your living room on your couch with his laptop on the coffee table. He had the chatroom all set up, and the two of you were just waiting for the other three to connect. They soon did so, and their faces turned up on the screen. There were two blond with about shoulder length hair, one's hair looking much duller than the other's. The both had a bit of scruff and the one with the duller hair was smoking. The third male was very cheery looking with strawberry blond hair and freckles.

         "Hello Allie-bear! And hello to you too poppet! Ooh, I'm so happy you found someone!" the cheery one chimed. "My name is Oliver Kirkland, and I'm Allen's father!"

         "Sup hoser, and hey there girly. The name's Matthieu Williams. I'm shit-stain's half-brother," said the brighter blond as he pulled his hair back into a low ponytail.

         "Mattie! No cursing!"

        "I can curse if I want to. I'm in my own home."

        Oliver pouted at this and let it slide since Matt had a point.

        "François Bonnefoy," said the one who was smoking. "Matthieu's father."

        "It's a pleasure to meet you all," you said as you waved to the camera. "My name is (y/f/n)."

         "What a lovely name! I absolutely love it!"

          You giggled. "Thank you Mr. Kirkland."

          "Please, call me Oliver! No need for formalities here."

          "Very well then. I understand you're all from different countries."

          "Yep," Matt said as he looked off to the side of camera.

          "Nosy bitch..." François grunted.

          "Franny! Don't call a lady such things! It's rude!" Oliver scolded.

          "Don't care..."

          "You should!"

          "Well I don't, now shut up. You talk too much."

          Oliver pouted.

          "Yeah... Well, if that's all you've got to tell us hoser, I've got some news of my own."

~___- Canada -___~

        "Oh?" you could hear Oliver say as you stood off to the side, being a bit fidgety. "What is it dear?"

        "(Y/n), come over here," Matt said to you as he held out a hand in your direction.

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