He Spends the Night - Part Two

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~Important Author's Note at the end if you didn't read the one from the last chapter~

~___- England -___~  

        The two of you ended up playing classic board games after dinner such as Shoots and Ladders and dominoes. Oliver was very good at playing the two aforementioned games, but so were you since you played them often as a child. Once the two of you grew bored with those games, you moved on to playing Monopoly. This game was one that you had perfected playing, winning every time with an unbeatable strategy. That was until tonight that is.

         "Oliver, you're screwing up my plan to win..." you said as he bought a red property, one that was vital to your plan.

         "I'm sorry poppet, but it is important to my strategy too. No doubt we have the same one or ones similar to each other," he apologized.

          "It's fine," you sighed. "I can still purchase the other ones when I land on them."

          "Of course you can dearie."

          It was about an hour later when all of the properties were bought, but you were unsuccessful in acquiring some of the more important ones since Oliver had bought them. You were growing a bit frustrated with the game and thinking of plans to get the properties you wanted, which Oliver did not seem willing to give up to you or trade. It wasn't long before Oliver started buying houses to put on his properties, stopping at three houses on each so you couldn't purchase any from the bank when you needed to you.

         Another few hours passed until the game was over. The drew near to midnight. You sat in front of Oliver in defeat. For the first time in years, you had lost Monopoly, and it hurt to think about. Oliver crawled over to you and kissed your forehead after he noticed how upset you were about losing.

        "I'm sorry you lost (y/n)," he said as he watched your cheeks turn a soft pink.

        "I-It's fine," you stuttered out, your face feeling hot.

        "Very well. It's getting late poppet. Why don't we settle down for bed?"

        "Alright. You can stay in my flatmate's room. I'll show you the way."

        "Thank you."

        Oliver helped you up from the floor after he stood up. You then lead him to your flatmate's hold bedroom and opened the door. He thanked you before saying goodnight and giving you another kiss, this time on your cheek. Your cheeks dusted a soft pink again before you bid him a goodnight and closed the door softly, heading off to your room. As you got ready for bed, you wondered about your feelings for the brightly dressed and cheerful Brit. You definitely didn't see him as just a friend or a sibling of sorts. So then what did you view him as? Perhaps a lover? That seemed to be the right word for it.

         "Perhaps I'll talk to him about it in the morning..." you said as you laid in bet, only to fall into a deep sleep a few moments later.

~___- Romano -___~  

        Flavio practically did everything with you at the mall you stayed in. He made you try on more clothing from different stores as well as jewelry. You grew bored eventually and tried to ditch him, but this man was like a magnetic and you were a metal. He always managed to find you somehow, which was a little annoying. You eventually grew used to it and let him kind of do whatever he wanted so long as it wasn't trying on clothing.

        After about two hours, the two of you stopped at the food court and made dinner for yourselves. You  sat at one of the two person tables in the middle of the area and conversed as you ate for awhile. He eventually got you to laugh at some joke that his one friend had told him before the apocalypse happened. You even snorted, which caused you to stop laughing and cover your nose and mouth with your hand.

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