Chapter 6

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Connie sat down on the bed with Jacob and took out the first diary, dated just after she found out she was pregnant.

June 2nd 1998
Pregnant! How stupid did she have to be?! Pregnant at 16! And she wants to keep it! Thinking he'd support her when he's nothing but a waste of space. I'll change her mind. I'll make sure of it.

There were no more entires until September, but this one horrified Connie and Jacob.

September 17th 1998
The baby will be a boy, but it won't be there's.
I've found the perfect mother, and the perfect plan. The doctor took the money with a heavy heart but I'll know he'll do as I say. After all I caught him with that nurse, the nurse that wasn't his wife. I know it will hurt them both, but it's better this way. She's no mother and he's no father. If they ever new of what I was doing they'd thank me one day

"She sold our baby! She paid that bastard of a doctor and some stupid woman to take our son" Connie sobbed into Jacob's chest.
He also had tears rolling down his cheeks, thinking of everything he and Connie had been through, mourning for their son when he'd been alive all along.
"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. We'll get him back, I promise you" he said as he held her.
"I need to read the rest, she must of felt something Jacob, she sold her own grandchild" Connie sobbed.
Jacob nodded and turned over the page, letting out a sigh as he read the date. A date he remembered so well. The day they were told Mason was dead.

January 18th 1999
Connie had her check up today. She's broken, as is Jacob, but it's for the best. The doctor told her that the baby was gone, the movement she said she was feeling was only to be phantom kicking. The c-section is booked, I had to put my foot down, she wanted a natural birth but that's obviously impossible. She has to accept the fact that she won't be able to hold the baby, she'd see that he wasn't dead.
Between them they chose a name, Mason, and out of respect I've told the adoptive mother that. She's agreed to keep his name.

January 25th 1999
Mason was born yesterday, I haven't seen Connie since but It's for the best, she and Jacob need to grieve.
I told William I was going to visit a friend, yet instead took Mason to his new mothers house.
She's a lovely woman and I know she'll look after him.

"She doesn't name her, there's nothing, I need to know who she is" Connie cried.
Jacob took the elastic bands off the next lot of pages of the book, clearly it had been so well used and so filled that it was falling apart.
Pieces of paper fell out onto the bed staring up at Connie as she picked them up, many of them out of order.
"Connie look" Jacob said as he held out a piece of paper with an address scrawled onto it.
"You don't think it's hers do you? The mothers? What if Mason still lives there?" She questioned.
"There's only one way to find out sweetcheeks, road trip time" he replied.

They went downstairs to William, who agreed to look after Tali as long as he got an explanation when Connie and Jacob arrived home.
Jacob put the address into the sat-nav and drove.
It was a fourty minutes drive, the longest fourty minutes of their life, or so it felt.
"This is it" Jacob said as he pulled up outside a house. It was a white bricked house of a moderate size in what looked like a friendly area.
Connie took a deep breath and got out of the car, joining Jacob's hand with hers as they met at the path.
Jacob knocked on the door, waiting in anticipation but it was clear nobody was home.

"Can I help you?" An older lady from the house next door asked as she stepped onto her path.
"Yes, erm, we are looking for a young boy. His names Mason. We think he used to live here with his mother, we understand that she's passed but we were wondering if anyone knew where he was or were he went to live after her death" Connie explained.
"Ah, I heard about Julia's death. But she and Mason moved long before that, they moved closer to her mother to care for her about 7 years ago. Do you mind me asking how you know Mason?" the lady replied.
"He's our son. And we really need to see him" Jacob told her.
"Oh my days, you're his real parents. Oh wait here and I'll find you the address that they moved too. I can't assure you that it is still where he lives but it's probably the next best thing" she said before hurrying off inside.

Jacob and Connie stood waiting until she returned with an address book.
She tore the page out and handed it to Connie who took it gratefully, "thank you so much" she said tearfully.
"Not a problem dear. He was a lovely boy, I wish you the best of look" the lady replied with a smile.
They thanked her again before getting back into the car, "ready to carry on searching?" Connie asked Jacob.
"Course sweetcheeks" he smiled before setting off again

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