Chapter 13

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Connie had been hiding it for a few weeks now, but finally she and Jacob knew it was time to tell her parents.
Her mother still didn't approve of their relationship, even more so that she had found them naked in bed together.
As much as she wanted to openly voice her disapproval, William was having none of it, and at times when she did slip up and bad mouth her daughter and her choices, he would always stick up for Connie, and just to make a point, refuse to engage in any sort of conversation with his wife for a while.

After spending quite a few nights at Jacob's, as they had finished their final exams for secondary school, they went round to Connie's.
She held Jacob's hand tightly, nerves taking over her body as she put the key into the lock.
Jacob placed his hand over hers and slowly unlocked it for her before pushing it open so they could make their way inside.
"Connie is that you?" William shouted from the kitchen.
"Yes, and Jacob" she replied nervously.
She heard the scoff that her mother made, and could almost feel her dad rolling his eyes at his wife's antics.

"Can we talk to you in the sitting room please?" Connie asked as she stood in the door way over the kitchen.
Susan didn't move, but William threw her a glare before standing from his seat and following Connie and Jacob into the living room.
Susan then felt she had no choice but to follow, because if there was one thing she hated, it was not having control and being out of the loop.
She sat down on the couch opposite Connie and Jacob, who were holding each other's hands tightly.
"so what is it?" Susan asked.
Connie looked at Jacob who nodded and she squeezed his hand tightly before making eye contact with her mother.
"I'm pregnant" she said.

For Connie there was no point sugar coating it. She was pregnant, because she had sex willingly. There was no way to say it was an accident, because although it wasn't an intentional pregnancy, she had meant to sleep with Jacob.
"That's got to be some sort of sick joke" Susan spat.
Connie's eyes filled with tears, "no, I'm having a, Jacob and I, are having a baby" she sniffled.
Jacob put his arm around her shoulder and kissed her hair.
"What the hell where you thinking?! I was angry enough at you having sex but now you tell me that you had sex without putting something on the end of it?! You stupid girl! You stupid stupid girl!" Susan shouted as she grabbed Connie's shoulders and began shaking her in anger.

"Stop it!" William shouted.
Jacob pulled Connie back so she buried her head into his chest as she cried.
"How could you be so naive?! You're sixteen Connie! Is that the kind of reputation you want?! An abortion at sixteen.
Connie suddenly snapped, turning her head away from Jacob's chest and sending her hand flying to her mother's cheek.
"I am NOT having an abortion! I love my baby, me and Jacob both do! Weather you like it or not, it's your grandchild!" She shouted at her, tears still streaming down her face.
"You have to! I will not have our family name walked all over because of you!" Susan shouted, "and I swear to god if you ever lay a finger on me again I will drag you kicking and screaming to the abortion clinic myself!" she added.

"Get out" William spat.
"You heard him, see even your dad doesn't want you here now. Get out" Susan said.
William looked directly at Susan, "get out" he said through gritted teeth.
"Me?!" She screamed.
"You can come back when you've calmed down and apologised. If you think you have any right to force someone to have an abortion, let alone our own daughter, then you really aren't the woman I married" he said.
"I'm looking after her, they'd never cope, he'd only leave her anyway" Susan replied.
"No, I would never leave Connie. I love her and our baby so much and you will not come between that. We will cope, we will cope just fine so I'm sorry to disappoint you but this baby is happening, weather you like it or not" Jacob spat at her.

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