Chapter 12

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Connie groaned as she stirred in Jacob's arms, suddenly feeling a wave of nausea coming over her.
She got out of bed and walked out onto the landing then straight into the bathroom where she kneeled over the toilet and vomited into it.
Tears were streaming down her face as she finished, but not because she was throwing up, because she feared the reason.
She'd missed her period, for the second time. She hadn't told Jacob, didn't want to scare or worry him. Connie's problem was that the thought of having a baby scared her less than the thought of losing Jacob, but the thought of both them things together terrified her.

"Connie?" Paula said as she knocked on the bathroom door.
"Just a sec" Connie sniffled as she grabbed some tissues and dried her eyes.
She flushed the toilet then stood up and opened the door, but it was obvious to Paula that Connie had been crying and she had heard her vomiting.
"What's wrong?" she asked sympathetically.
Connie suddenly burst into full blown tears, "we slept together" she sobbed.
Paula sighed, "last night? you regret it?" she asked as she rubbed her shoulder.

"My birthday, I don't regret it, but we didn't use protection" Connie cried.
It then dawned on Paula, "and you think you're pregnant?" she asked gently.
Connie nodded weakly and looked down, "I don't know what to do. I can't raise a baby on my own, what if Jacob doesn't want to be with me anymore" she said.
"All I know is that he loves you. Now stay here and I'll go to get you a test" Paula said.
"Really? Are you sure?" Connie sniffled.
"Certain, there's some coffee in the... Actually scratch that, don't drink coffee. Go back to bed, I'll knock on the door when I'm back" she replied.

Connie did as Paula said, she went back and curled up against Jacob, who was still sleeping.
She'd learnt that it was very likely that Jacob could sleep through a world war.
"Connie?" Paula said as she knocked gently on the door then put her head around it.
She sat up slowly and smiled weakly, "should I wake Jacob?" she asked.
"Yes, because if it's positive then he should be there with you. And if it's negative it should be a wake up call" Paula replied.
Connie nodded in agreement then lent over and stroked his cheek gently, "Jacob wake up" she whispered.
He just grunted as her hair fell down tickling his neck, but didn't make any attempt to move.
"Jacob" she said again, this time a little louder as she shook his shoulder.
"Oh piss off Connie" he groaned.

Usually Connie wouldn't of taken this personally at all, she knew how hard it was to get him to get up in the morning, but this time she burst into tears again.
This startled Jacob, he sat up straight away and put his arm around her shoulder.
"Connie what's wrong? Baby why are you crying?" he asked gently.
Paula carried the shopping back over and put it down on the bed next to her son who just raised an eyebrow.
He'd been woken to his girlfriend sobbing her heart out and his mother handing him a shopping bag.
"Open it" Paula said.
Jacob looked in the bag and picked up the box inside, "oh my god" he gasped as he looked at it.
"I'm so sorry" Connie cried into his chest.

"Shh, shh baby it's not your fault. Please don't cry. I love you sweetcheeks, that's all that matters. You don't need to be sorry because no matter what this test says, I'll stick by you. I know we are only young but that doesn't at all change how I feel about you" Jacob reassured her.
Connie nodded, still crying as she clung to him tighter than ever.
Paula couldn't help but smile as she watched, because she had never been prouder of her son. Yes they had forgotten to wrap it up, but she knew that many men, or boys, including her own father, wouldn't be so considerate. He was supporting Connie when she needed him most, and facing up to his mistakes and responsibilities.

"Let's take the test yeah? I know you're scared baby but there's no point putting it off" Jacob said.
Connie nodded and stood up, drying her eyes on the sleeve of her hoodie and making her way to the bathroom.
"I'll be downstairs if you need me" Paula said as she began to walk downstairs.
"Mum?" Jacob said.
"Yeah?" She asked as she turned back around.
"Thank you, I mean it" he told her with a smile.
"I'm proud of you Jacob, it may sound mad, but I am" Paula replied before heading down the stairs.
Jacob followed Connie into the bathroom, she had ripped open the box  and took the test in her hands.

"Do you want me to turn around?" Jacob asked.
"Please, if you don't mind" Connie replied as she pulled her shorts down.
Jacob nodded and looked away as Connie took the test then she put it on the side on a piece of toilet paper.
Jacob sat on the edge of the bath and pulled Connie into his lap, "whatever happens, we are in this together baby" he said .
"I love you" she whispered.
"I love you too" he replied.

After the three minute wait Connie stood up then Jacob picked up the test, he took a deep breath before turning it over, looking at it then looking at Connie.
"Well?" she asked, her words barely audible.
"It's positive" he told her.
Connie was suddenly hit with a wave of emotions, she was scared, terrified in fact, but as she placed her hand on her stomach she felt a small, but it was there, rush of happiness. She felt the urge to protect her child no matter what, and she knew that nothing, no person, could change her mind. She was keeping her baby.
She was unable to do anything else, she didn't know how to react.
Jacob could see this, and simply picked her up in his arms, holding the test between his fingers, and carried her out.

"Mum" he called downstairs before carrying on into his bedroom.
He laid down in bed, putting the test on his bedside table. Connie curled up against him, as he ran his fingers through her hair soothingly.
Paula walked in and looked at Jacob who just tilted his head towards the bedside table.
She walked over and looked at the test, seeing the two blue lines, before looking back up at the couple.
"Yes, before you ask, I'm keeping my baby" Connie said.

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