Chapter 9

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Continuing with the flashbacks for a few chapters x

Connie stirred early the next morning, feeling a sense of warm around her.
She was comfortable lying in his arms, but was also unsure on his mums views on it so carefully got up and went down the stairs.
"Morning Connie" Paula smiled to him.
"Oh, hi, sorry I'll go now" she stuttered.
"I don't mind that you stayed over, in fact I think you and Jacob looked very cute. Stay for some breakfast at least?"  Paula said.
"Ok, I suppose that wouldn't hurt. Thank you" Connie replied then she sat herself down at the table.
"who are you?" Owen asked as he looked up from his toast.
"Connie, I baby sat you last night but you were already asleep" she replied.
"Oh ok" Owen smiled then went back to eating his toast.

Paula looked back over at Connie and let out a sigh. She knew her mother and she knew how protective she could get.
She herself didn't mind as long as she knew that her son was respecting women. She didn't expect him to be sleeping with them, but seeing the odd love bite didn't surprise her, nor was it doing any harm.
"Go upstairs to my room, there's some concealer on my dressing table" she said.
"What? Why?" Connie asked in confusion.
Paula grabbed a mirror and handed it over to Connie, who only then noticed the love bite on her neck.
"Oh my god, she'll see it" Connie panicked.
"She won't, it's fine. The concealer will sort it out" she reassured her.
"Thank you" Connie said greatfully before rushing upstairs to get the concealer.

As she was leaving Paula's bedroom she collided with Jacob walking out of his.
"Hey" she said with a nervous smile.
"Hey" Jacob grunted before walking down stairs.
She raised an eyebrow and followed him into the kitchen.
He slumped himself down at the kitchen table as Paula placed two plates of bacon and toast down.
"Thanks" he grumbled.
"I... I should go" Connie said sadly.
Paula sighed, "oh bloody hell Jacob I know you're not a morning person but you could make an exception" she said before turning to Connie, "he's always like this in the morning, doesn't really wake up properly till mid day" she reassured her.
"Sorry, I'm just tired" Jacob said before letting out a yawn.
"It's ok, I understand" she said as she sat down next to him.
"Mum can me and Connie eat in the front room please?" he asked.
"Yes, just don't make a mess" Paula replied.

They smiled and nodded before going into the front room and sitting on the couch.
"I'm glad you stayed" Jacob reassured her.
"Me too" she replied.
"You don't regret it do you? I mean, I know didn't have sex but the things we did, I don't expect you to take them lightly" he said.
"No, I don't regret it, do you?" She asked.
"Not at all, I really like you" he admitted.
"I really like you too Jacob" Connie told him.
He smiled and lent in, pecking her lips again just as the living room door opened.
"Sorry Connie, your mum is on the phone" Paula said.
She sighed and got up, "you didn't tell her I slept in Jacob's room did you?" She asked.
"No, I said you fell asleep on the couch and I didn't want to disturb you" Paula replied.
"Thank you" Connie said before going into the hall and picking up the phone.

Paula sat down next to Jacob on the couch, "I trust you not to do anything stupid, you know that, but what happened last night?" she asked.
"We didn't have sex if that's what you're asking" he replied.
"Ok, but things got heated, I can see that. Connie has a love bite on her neck and I know that you know it doesn't bother me but it does bother her mum, quite a lot actually. You need to be careful" she told him.
"Yeah I get it mum, it's not like I'm gonna get her pregnant" Jacob said with a roll of his eyes.
"I never said you were, just don't break her heart Jacob, please" Paula begged.
"I wouldn't, I really do like her" he replied.

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