Chapter 3

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Connie sat in her office the next morning catching up on her paperwork when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" she announced, looking up at the doorway.
"Hey... I know my da, sorry, your husband told me not to come back so I'll leave. But you need to read this first, it's a letter from my mother, adopted mother. It's written to me but you'll regret it if you don't read it, please" the same boy she had seen yesterday said.
For some reason Connie couldn't say no, there was something about the way he said it, the genuine pain in his voice begging for her to read it as if it would change everything. And of course there was still that part of Connie wishing that her son could be alive.
"Ok, thank you err" Connie said, not knowing what to call him.
"Mason. I promise you it's Mason" he said before retreating out of her office.

Connie slowly opened the envelope, pulling out the hand written letter.
I know your adoption has never been a secret, from a very young age you've known I wasn't your birth mother but I've never been completely honest with you.
You weren't even a day old when you became my son, just under two hours in fact.
When you asked, and I told you that your parents couldn't look after you I lied, in truth I don't know what the circumstances were with them but I know they wanted you.

All I know is they were young, and your mums mum didn't approve of her daughter having a child at sixteen. She wanted her daughter to give the baby up but there was no persuading her, she was adamant she wanted to keep you.
This was why your grandmother came up with such an elaborate scheme for you to become my son.
I'd never met her before, and if I hadn't been so desperate for a child I wouldn't of been happy with the circumstances but I felt I had no other option.
We came into contact online, me looking for a way to adopt and her looking for a mother for her grandchild.
She informed me of the situation and stressed that I was never to tell anyone of what had happened.

In the eyes of your real parents you were dead, still born, that's what they were lead to believe.
I was told they had wanted to name you Mason, so I respected their decision and kept your name.
As for their names, I was never told your mothers first name, although I'm assuming her last name to be the same as your grandmothers, Chase, I suppose because your grandmother didn't want either of us finding her. I only your know dads name to be Jacob Masters, he was 17 when you were born but I know nothing more than that.
I know that what I did was wrong, but I was so desperate for a child that I could love and care for, although now I understand that that's all your parents must of wanted too.

I'm sure you're wondering why you've only received this letter now, when I'm gone. But that's the reason, during my treatment when I knew it wasn't working I made the decision to tell you the truth, although it wasn't that easy. I needed you around me, I needed to spend my final weeks with you and I couldn't have you hating me for that. You have every right to see me as a coward and I'm sorry but I hope I've done the right thing by telling you. I hope that if its what you want then you are able to find your birth parents and they give you all the love you deserve.
All my love, mum xxx

Connie jumped up from her seat and quickly left her office in search of Mason, she couldn't let him leave.
She ignored the pain ripping through her abdomen and carried on towards the exit until her face became white with shock and she felt something trickling down her legs.
Looking down Connie saw a pool of clear liquid beneath her, clearly her baby had other ideas about her speaking to Mason again.
"Jacob!" she screamed loudly, looking over to him as he walked down the stairs.
Jacob's eyes went wide and he grabbed a wheel chair, running over to her quickly and helping her into it.
"Jacob, he's" she panted before screaming out in pain.
"He? Babe it's a girl" Jacob said as he pushed her towards the lift.
"No. Mason, he's our son. Jacob that boy is our son" she cried.

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