Chapter 2

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Connie and Jacob left work straight away as they were both feeling very upset.
They went home and ate before heading straight up to bed, Connie was tired due to the pregnancy and stressful day.
Jacob put his arm around her shoulder then rested his other hand on her bump, "I know today was hard for you, but I'm proud of you" he whispered.
Connie smiled, "thank you" she said then sighed, "why do you think he did it? Who was he? I don't understand what made him think that he could do that, why did he know your name? Mason's name and birthday? It sounds so stupid but just for a second, maybe even a millisecond, I hoped it was him, I thought there was a chance because I looked at him and saw you. But now I realise that's because it's what I wanted to see, not what I did see" she said.

"I don't know why he did it baby, I don't know how he had that imformation. And yes I would of loved for it to have been him too but I know it wasn't. Everything he said, although in a world of happy endings it all could of been plausible, it wasn't. We buried our baby, we buried Mason. No matter what he says, that's not going to change" Jacob told her.
Connie nodded and cuddled against him, "night muscles" she said sleepily.
"Night baby" he replied.
They both drifted off pretty quickly, Jacob sleeping peacefully but Connie's head full of thoughts of what had happened 17 years ago.

Sixteen year old Connie laid in the hospital bed and squeezed Jacob's hand, "everything will be ok baby, I promise you we will get through this" he whispered before kissing her lips gently.
She smiled weakly then squeezed his hand before her mother walked in, "Jacob can I have a word outside please?" she asked.
Jacob nodded then smiled to Connie before following her out.
"It's better this way Jacob, it's better both of you don't see the baby. What happened wasn't your fault, but it would hurt too much. Don't ask to see him, he's already gone, please do this for Connie's sake" Connie's mother said to him, unaware that Connie could hear every word.

"I am doing this for Connie, because you've already made the decision for her. You've decided she'll be asleep, you've decided that she won't see our baby. Just because he's dead doesn't make him any less our son and we love him. She is the only reason I'm not going to hold him, because it would be too unfair for me to and for her to not" Jacob said before walking back into Connie's hospital room.
She pretended she hadn't heard anything, because her heart broke and grew at the same time. Although her mother had told her she was doing this in her best interests she didn't believe her, she'd shown no emotion what so ever when hearing her grandchild was to be still born. But she couldn't help feeling so loved by Jacob, the way he stood by her through everything even at such a young age.

An hour or so later she kissed Jacob goodbye, not for long but for him it would seem like an eternity.
They both cried, knowing that when she came round she would no longer be carrying their child.
He waited in her room, sat in the chair that had once been next to her bed until she was brought back in.
Her bump was noticeably smaller, not surprising, and she looked so delicate but at the same time peaceful.
Her mother had left with her to theatre and for some reason hadn't returned to her room but Jacob thought very little of it.

Connie came round a while later with Jacob holding her hand.
"Did they do it?" she asked weakly.
"Yes sweetcheeks, they did" he said gently and stroked her cheek.
She nodded and squeezed his hand just as the doctor walked in.
"Connie, Jacob, if you want it then I have a photograph, of your baby. Connie I know your mother said no but if you want it the picture is yours" he told them.
"Mason, his name is Mason, but yes please" Connie replied.
He handed the photo over to her, both her and Jacob looking at it until she burst into tears.
"He looks so alive, he can't be dead Jacob, he can't" she cried.
Jacob didn't say a word, just held her as silent tears rolled down his cheeks too.
And with all the emotion, they mistook the look of guilt on the doctors face for one of sadness.

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