Chapter 16

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Connie walked downstairs an hour and a half later holding Tali then perched herself on Jacob's knee at the breakfast bar.
"Your mum rang, she's on her way over" she told him.
"Oh for godsake Connie, we spoke about this. We need to find a way to tell her gently" Jacob sighed
"Sorry, I'll just tell her that she can't come over and meet her granddaughter because her sons a chicken" Connie snapped.
"I'll just go, save you the trouble" Mason said as he got up.
"Don't go Mason. I'll tell her as soon as she gets here" Jacob said before looking at Connie, "sorry" he said gently.

Paula knocked ten minutes later then Jacob went to the door and let her in.
"Where's my beautiful granddaughter?" she asked excitedly.
"Mum I need to talk to you first" Jacob said.
"Why? What's wrong? Connie said the baby was fine" Paula replied.
"She is. It's not Tali. Just come and sit down" he said then he made his way into the living room.
Paula sat down on the couch and looked at him, "spit it out then" she said.
Jacob sighed, "you remember when Mason was born don't you? None of us ever held him, saw him, Connie was knocked out for the C-section so she didn't see or hear anything" he told her.
"Yes I know that Jacob, I don't see what you're getting at here" Paula sighed.

"It was all Susan's choice. She made Connie have the c-section, because she couldn't deliver naturally. Well she could have, but that would have fucked up Susan's plan" Jacob said.
"What plan? Jacob what the hell are you on about? I just want to see my grandchild" she asked.
Jacob looked towards the doorway, "Mason" he shouted.
Paula looked at him in confusion, "have you gone mad?" she asked.
He didn't reply, but carried on looking as his son entered the room.
"This is Mason. This is your grandson" Jacob said.
"No, no you're wrong. He's dead, what the hell is going on?!" Paula shouted, close to tears.

"It's true Paula, this is Mason. He didn't die. Susan had him adopted" William said as he walked in.
"Mum, he's your grandson" Jacob said gently.
Truthfully he was worried about what this would do to his mum, she'd been distraught when she was told Mason was dead, and the prospect of the new baby terrified her, she was worried that the same thing would happen again.
Now he was stood in front of her, alive, in the flesh and she had never been so confused.
"I don't understand, she can't put your child up for adoption without your permission!" Paula said.
"It was an illegal adoption, she bribed the doctor to tell us that Mason was dead then she took him to a woman who registered him as her own. That's why Connie was knocked out for a c-section, why we never got to hold our baby" Jacob explained.

Paula looked between Mason and Jacob, "he looks like you" she said weakly.
"Yeah he does mum, because he's my son" he replied with a nod.
She stood up and approached Mason, before throwing her arms around him and hugging him tightly.
He was slightly taken aback but hugged her equally.
Jacob smiled watching as his son and mother interacted, happiness written all over his face.
But it didn't last for long, "Jacob!" Connie screamed from upstairs, clearly sobbing.

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