Chapter 8

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18 years ago

"Jacob the baby sitter will be here soon" his mother shouted down the stairs.
"Mum are you actually being serious?! I'm 15, I'm pretty sure I can look after myself and Owen, he's going to bed soon anyway. And the fact that the baby sitter is the same age as me doesn't really change the circumstances does it?!" he shouted up.
"It does Jacob, she's responsible, I know her mother. Which means no, you can not try to chat her up" his mother replied as the door bell rang.
"Yeah yeah" Jacob smirked then he went to the front door and opened it.
His jaw dropped, she was stunning. Long brown curly hair, gorgeous emrald eyes, soft pink lips.
Just looking at her made part of Jacob's body feel things that he hadn't felt since he bought his last playboy magazine.
But this was different, she was hot, he couldn't deny that. But there was more, she was beautiful, the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

"Hi, err are you just gonna stand there or let me in?" the girl asked from the door step.
"Oh, yeah, sorry come in. I'm Jacob" he smiled as he moved out the way.
"Connie, the baby sitter. Although I was expecting the kids to be younger" she chuckled.
"Yeah well, mum don't trust me. Ain't got a clue why" he laughed in response.
"Course you haven't" she smirked with a roll of her eyes.
"Oh hello Connie, nice to see you and thanks again for doing this. I best be off but help yourself to anything you like, drinks, food, I should be back just after midnight. My number is on the table if you need me" Jacob's mother said before rushing out of the door.

Jacob rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen, "drink?" he asked Connie who followed him.
"Water please. So where's your little brother?" she replied.
"In his room, probably working on how to defeat the next species of aliens. 6 year olds these days" he said before handing her a glass of water.
"I bet you were just the same" Connie giggled.
"Far from it. Anyway I'll be in my room if you need anything, unless you want to join me" Jacob said, wiggling his eyebrows a little.
"No thank you, I'll stay down here if it's all the same" she replied.
"Suit yourself, sweetcheeks" he smirked before walking up the stairs, leaving Connie a little star struck.
Jacob walked into Owen's room, and unlike he had expected, found his little brother already asleep.
He smiled and closed the door again before heading into his own room and lying down on the bed.

Half an hour later Connie made her way up the stairs.
She walked straight past the first room, seeing Owen on the door sort of gave away that it was not the room she was looking for.
There was nothing on the next three doors, so Connie took a chance and opened it.
"Oh my god!" she squealed as Jacob grabbed a pillow, placing it over his crotch.
"Shit, I'm so sorry" he said, blushing red.
Connie cleared her throat, "it's ok, I was just looking for the bathroom. Sorry, I shouldn't have walked in" she replied.
"Nah I shouldn't of been doing that. Bathrooms next door" Jacob said.
"Thank you" Connie said quietly with a hint of shyness.
"Connie... You have, err, you have seen a dick before haven't you?" he asked her.

Connie looked at him properly, "yes, but never, well I've never seen someone doing that" she told him.
"Oh. You probably think I'm some kind of weirdo now. I know this is a lot to ask but please, I'm begging you, do not tell my mum" Jacob begged.
"I won't, don't worry. Just... Err enjoy yourself" Connie said, a small smirk appearing on her lips.
"Believe me, when the baby sitter walks in more than a little unexpectedly it kinda ruins the moment. No matter how hot she is" he smirked.
"Hot? You think I'm hot?" Connie asked him.
"I think you're fucking beautiful, but that's besides the point. I shouldn't of done it" Jacob told her.
Connie smiled and blushed, "it's ok Jacob, it's your room. But I may have lied a little bit, you'd said I could join you in here and I was getting a little bored downstairs. If you don't mind?" she said.

"Course not" Jacob grinned, then Connie turned around to allow him to fix himself back it his jeans before he moved over on the bed.
Connie sat down on the edge of the bed, twiddling her fingers aimlessly.
"I don't bite you know. I just sorta got the urge and it wouldn't go away" Jacob said as he began to ramble.
"Jacob it's ok. I get it" Connie said reasurringly, placing her hand on his thigh.
He bit his lip and looked at her, studying her perfect features.
"so fucking beautiful"
"What?" Connie asked.
"Sorry, I didn't realise I'd said that out loud again" he laughed.

Connie blushed as he shuffled a little closer to her, brushing a piece of hair from her face.
She looked at him, properly taking in his features, strong jaw line, dark eyes that she found herself getting lost in.
His voice had clearly broken, it was rough but sensitive at the same time.
Jacob smiled gently, causing Connie to do the same.
His hand rested on top of hers on his thigh before slowly but surely they lent in until their lips met.
It was gentle kiss yet full of passion at the same time, and Jacob pulled Connie closer on to his waist as tounge slipped into her mouth.
It wasn't in any way a first kiss for either of them, but it was the only one that had ever felt right.

"Jacob" Connie whispered as she looked down, seeing his bulge, and feeling it.
"Shit, sorry" he said apologetically.
"Don't apologise" she said as she caressed his cheek then moved her other hand down to his zip.
"Connie what are you doing?" He asked her.
"Don't you want me to?" She replied.
"Only if you're sure" he smiled.
Connie nodded and kissed him again, "very" she whispered.

Four hours later his mum came home, looking around downstairs but not finding Connie anywhere.
Luckily the pair had both had the sense to fix their clothes after finishing their activities, not that they had gone all the way.
"Jacob?" His mother said from outside his bedroom door.
She sighed hearing a soft snore, convinced he'd been mouthy with Connie and caused her to leave.
She pushed open the door, being genuinely surprised when she found Jacob and Connie curled up together in his bed sleeping peacefully.
Smiling to herself she left the room, going back downstairs and texting Connie's mum informing her that Connie would be spending the night if that was ok.

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